The 23rd volume of the manga. It covers Chapters 113 to 117.
Chapter Guide | |
Chapter # | Title |
Chapter 113 | Alteration (Part 2) |
Chapter 114 | Alteration (Part 3) |
Chapter 115 | Alteration (Part 4) |
Chapter 116 | Alteration (Part 5) |
Chapter 117 | Alteration (Part 6) |
Part 1: The Rumor of the Spirit World's Gate[]
The Prologue to the Chapter begins at the start of the 81st Millennium Festival, a tall schoolteacher walks forward at the school corridor, and a rumor is spoken by a trio of female students to one another, as they attempt to initiate a ritual that summon the Supernatural. The rumor goes like this:
“ |
Student 1: Hey, have you heard the Rumor? I heard this one from a friend of a friend. (...) Student 2: Do you really think we'll be able to summon them? (...) Student 1: If you agree to play their games, I heard they'll answer any question you want. Student 2: No Waaay!!!. Student 3: I'm gonna ask them for the answers to the next test! Student 1: Now form a circle by holding hands, and whatever you'll do, don't let go. The circle will serve as a gate to the Spirit World. Alright, let's go on three! One! Two! Three! Students: (...) Come out and play!
” |
— Nene introducing herself at the start of the Chapter
As the teacher passes by them, he gives off a smile
The Chapter cover shows the backside of Yugi Amane as he walks with a pair of large rolled charts and a portable orrery. (The view is reminiscent of the vision of Hanako's original future as a flashback during Tsuchigomori's conversation with Yashiro Nene during the 4PM Bookstacks Arc).
Part 2: The Key to the Big Clock[]
The Chapter proper begins with Yashiro Nene in her Dorothy costume, who is seen exhibiting a pouting face. She then monogues, as is usual of her:
“ |
Hi There! I'm the Star of the Culture Festival, Yashiro Nene! Now that I've regained my lost memories, I'm...
” |
— Nene introducing herself at the start of the Chapter
The scene comically changes to her holding Aoi Akane by his undershirt as an amused Minamoto Teru watches. She then tells the reader that she's...:
“ |
...Attempting to squeeze some answers out of Akane-Kun
” |
— Nene explaning what she is doing, now that she's regained all the memories of her previous iteration
She angrily asks Akane to tell her what's going on, what happened to the world around them, why the School Festival isn't disrupted, why Kou doesn't know her, and above all, why Hanako isn't around. She then angrily concludes that it's the Clock Keepers' doing. Akane attempts to answer her, but then Yashiro begins to shake him angrily like he's some kind of cloth. While getting dizzy, Akane tells Teru that he told him back at the Clock Keepers' Boundary to precisely bring Yashiro to the School Council Room so that he could explain to her what's going on. Teru then sarcastically answers that a good work environment is built on communication, which also points out how hypocritical Akane was being. Knowing what Teru meant, Akane apologizes profusely. But that only made Yashiro angrier, so she shouts at him. Aane responds by telling Yashiro that he knows she's upset, so if she brings him down, he'll explain everything. Yashiro then notices a Mokke nearby, and she was surprised that the Mokke was near her the entire time.
A while later, after explaining everything to her offscreen, Yashiro is surprised by what Akane had described as the "Butterfly Effect", and that the Clock Keepers changed the past, thus leading to the creation of a New Present. Akane clarifies that everything that they have gone through until now was swapped with something different, and he tells Yashiro if it now makes sense to her. But Yashiro says that it's awful, and Teru seems to agree with her, finding such a change "cruel". He then summarized that the Clock Keepers did it because they are Supernaturals, and thus, enemies of Humanity. Akane, amused by Teru's words, responds by calling him a Jerk and telling him that he can say whatever he wants.
Then Akane apologizes to the two before telling that once both Kako and Mirai decided to alter the past, then nothing can be done to stop them, and any kind of resistance against them is pointless. In addition, Akane told them that even if he tried to stop it, both Kako and Mirai would just find another human to make their next Present Guardian, and if that had happened, he wouldn't notice that a change had occurred. So instead of staying on as a normal student, he decided to back both Kako and Mirai as a supernatural, with the hope that he could give someone even the slightest chance to interfere.
Yashiro expresses a look of concern as she says his name, while Teru asks Akane if they even have a chance. Akane then drops the Key that contains the Clock Keepers' Yorishiro, and tells them that this is the Key to the Big Clock in The Sealed Auditorium. The Key, Akane says, allows one to leap through time. He then begins to describe how the Key works:
“ |
Let's say a huge problem occurred in this world... the Big Clock getting destroyed again... ...Or a large number of victims falling victim to Supernaturals. In that case, I could use this key to return to the past and fix it, like a safety net.
” |
— Akane explaining how the Key works
This explanation piques Teru's interest, who remarks if they can make it that the change to the past never happened. Akane answers that it wouldn't be easy, but in response, Teru remarks that he's not hearing a "No" from Akane either, so he quickly swipes the Key from Akane. Akane angrily responds that only a Clock Keeper like himself can safely use it, and additionally, if Teru causes some trouble, he'll be the one who's removed from the timeline instead. Yashiro then excitedly asks Akane if he can return them to their Original Timeline, to which Akane answers only if it's necessary, however he has zero intention of doing so. He clarified that toying with the Past is dangerous, and as of now, there are no major issues with the New Present. Yashiro pouts because Akane isn't keen on changing the Past for her, but before they can continue, Akane Aoi comes in.
Part 3: The One Change in the New Present that Akane hates the most[]
Aoi sees Yashiro in there, and comes to her side, remarking that she was worried sick after Yashiro ran off at the conclusion of the play. Yashiro then apologizes to her for doing such a thing. While the two of them are having conversation, Teru looks at the both of them, and remarks that Aoi hasn't retained the memories of the Original Timeline either, to which Akane says that it is mostly likely, however something could possibly jog her mind within the next 3 days. Teru, knowing how big of a crush Akane has on Aoi, asks Akane if he's gonna tell her anything, to which Akane just gives off a sad look.
During their conversation, Yashiro asks Aoi why she came to the Student Council Room, to which she suddenly remembers what she had to do. She looks at both Teru and Akane, and she seems to approach Akane, leading him to call out her name. However, she says Teru's name instead, and she angrily tells him that she had reminded him that her mom was coming to the School today, yet he stood the both of them up. Akane, shocked by what's going on, asked Aoi why he called him "Teru-Kun". She simply replies "yep", and as it turned out in the New Present, instead of Aoi and Akane being childhood friends, it's Aoi and Teru who knew each other since they were kids. Yashiro ponders on why Aoi had called Teru "Teru Kun", and came to the same conclusion that as a result of the Clock Keepers changing the past, the relationship between her and Akane was swapped to Teru instead.
Teru, surprised at this turn of events, asked Aoi what kind of relationship she and him have, to which she's surprised at his question. (This only hurts Akane all the more) She then reminds Teru by whispering to him that they are both engaged. Of course, this hurts Akane the most and it hits his breaking point, as he heard the whisper somehow. He vomits the word "Engaged" like a rocket blast and comically flies off to the heavens. It is also revealed that Teru and Aoi's engagement was a result of their respective families arranging it.
Upon landing from his rocket blast of shock, Teru comes up to him, and asks if he's still alive. Akane angrily remarks that Aoi's engaged to the "Devil", and decides that he couldn't stand the New Present a second longer, revealing that Aoi was Akane's only necessary reason to consider changing the past with the Key. Akane then stands up all of a sudden, and quickly runs off to the door, with Yashiro calling out his name.
After a while, Akane returns, revealing to both Yashiro and Teru that there is no way to change the past now. He had gone to The Sealed Auditorium's Big Clock to try and change the past, however, it was to no avail. Yashiro angrily asks him if he could just simply return them to the Old Timeline, to which he says that it isn't as easy as it sounds. He tells her that their chance to truly return to their Original Timeline is slim, as if they would return to the past at random, the odds in truly making everything as is is very small. In order to truly return to their Original Timeline, they must jump to whatever point in time that both Kako and Mirai altered, and then stop them before they change anything. Unfortunately for him, both Kako and Mirai never told him what time period they travelled to or what they changed.
Teru, listening to the conversation, remarks that while Akane could simply go back to the exact point and restore it back to what it is, if he would mess with the timeline so much, they would all just end up in an entirely new timeline altogether. And if the timeline they change is a very apocalyptic one (Like a timeline where Society has collapsed), they may lose the means to travel through time altogether. With those considerations in mind, Teru rises up, and tells both Yashiro, Aoi and Akane that he has figured out their next course of action. And that is to discover what the Clock Keepers had changed. Yashiro, excited at his suggestion, remarks that if they can figure out just what the change is, they can go back to the Old Present. Teru agrees, but he tells her that they can start by knowing things about the New Present.
Teru decides to begin his quest of knowing the New Present by doing one last insult towards Akane, by telling him that he's gonna go on a date with his fiancée, so Akane has to give his all while he returns (During the entire time, Akane imagines Teru as a devil when he said all those lines). Akane, saddened by this one change in the New Present, looks at Aoi and weakly calls out her name. Aoi looks at him with a rather sad stare or a stare of pity before she and Teru leave the Student Council Room. Akane then falls down on the floor, truly defeated. Yashiro looks at him and asks if he's alright, to which he doesn't answer. Getting fed up with how dramatic he was, she leaves him alone in the room as she and the Mokke with her walk out together.
Part 4: The Supernatural Way of Doing Things[]
Sometime later, it is now evening in the School, and Akane stares at the ceiling of the Student Council Room. He reflects on the negative reactions of both Teru and Yashiro towards the New Present, now that he has his own negative reaction towards it. He holds the key in his hand, and remark that the Changing of the Past is a very supernatural way of doing things. He begins to think over his situation in the form of a monologue, while reminiscing the times he had with Aoi:
“ |
Everything that's ever happened getting replaced with something else? Anyone would have trouble accepting that. Don't they realize, that I'm not happy with this either? But if this is the only way to curb the cause of all this, then. Yugi Tsukasa...I better check and make sure he's gone for good!
” |
— Akane reflecting on the changes in the New Present, and how he's not happy with it, now that Aoi is engaged to someone else, and not him
The scene than changes to a study room in the School, a group of students gathered together. One of them asks if anyone else is not around, to which the other says "yep", and so they begin:
“ |
First, place a vase filled with White Flowers in the middle of a desk Next, have everyone draw a Torii gate on a piece of paper, and write their names underneath with a red pen Then flip the paper over. Lastly, turn your backs to one another, join hands, and say the magic words
” |
— The leading student giving instructions to begin a ritual to summon the Spirit Gate
Another student asks if the ritual is true, and if the spirits will answer their questions if they go along with their games. A third student remarks that she wishes to ask who her Senpai has a crush on. Either the first or the second student remarked that a classmate of hers used the ritual to learn the answers to her next test. However, the other student answers that eversince she did that, she's been taking time off from school eversince. Regardless, their minds are made up, justifying that even if the rumor is not true, nothing bad would happen as long as they play along with it and so they begin the ritual.
The three of them held each other's hands, closed their eyes, and kept them closed until they received a reply. Then they began to chant something ominous:
“ |
” |
— The students chanting Tsukasa's name as part of the Ritual
Part 1: The Date[]
The Chapter begins with Minamoto Teru introducing himself as "Akane-San's Fiancée", much to the chagrin and frustration of Aoi Akane in the background, who never appears in the chapter after that. He then begins to summarize the events of the last few chapters:
“ |
After getting tangled up in the Clock Keepers' arbitrary decision to change the past, we've ended up in a school festival that so far seems peaceful. According to the answers Yashiro-San squeezed out of Aoi, in order to get back to the old world, we need to determine exactly what the Clock Keepers changed in the past. And to do that, we first have to search for the biggest changes in this new timeline.
” |
— Teru summarizing the events that led to his situation in the present, and planning to figure out how to go back to his original timeline.
With that goal in mind, Teru takes Aoi out to walk around Kamome Gakuen together. As such, he begins by scoping out the inside of the school. But Aoi tugs him by grabbing his Student Council armband, and then reminds him that they are both going on a date. Teru is shocked by this and asks Aoi if they're really going on a date together, to which she says that they are, because they are engaged after all. Teru then channels his rizz and asks her to take his hand. Initially, he expects that he will get a cold "No thanks" from her, but instead, she responds positively and holds his hand, which makes him feel uneasy due to knowing how much Akane loves her. With her in tow, he tells Aoi if she wants to explore the School Festival together.
As they go around the different booths and exhibits of the School Festival, Aoi holds on to Teru's hand tightly as they enter a horror booth. She remarks in a flirty way that the "monsters" are scary and tells Teru to keep her safe. This just makes Teru all the more uneasy as he tries to hide it by smiling. He keeps the same expression even when they go towards an indoor coaster booth and a photo spot booth. Aoi liked the picture that was taken, with Teru responding that he'll just send it to Akane instead, which makes her shake her head intensely (And possibly indicates that her original memories are slowly coming back). Teru seems to notice this and asks her if there is a problem, to which she says "Go Ahead" in a shy manner.
Teru and Aoi then take a break and go to the Snack Stall, where Teru buys a barbecue for her. While Aoi mutters that Teru is the one wanting it, he replies that he wants her to feed it to him, since that is what fiancées do all the time. She relents with a clear indication of reluctance in her face, and lets him eat the barbecue. Unfortunately, this caught the eye of the students around the School Festival, who all gather round and praise the both of them for being good-looking and lovey-dovey with one another. But both Teru and Aoi are embarrassed by their action and the students reactions to it, and so express rather sour expressions, leading some students to assume that they're going to break up. With tense feelings and the crowd becoming larger, Teru asks Aoi if they should go somewhere else, and she obliges.
Part 2: The Minamoto Clan's Obligation[]
Once they go to the secluded place, Aoi slaps Teru on the cheek, and is very disappointed with him. She tells him what was he thinking, telling him that he is being "a sorry excuse of a man", and giving him zero points for today's date. She then starts pouting, and reminds Teru that they both made a promise as children that they would behave like a proper couple in front of everyone else. But before she can continue, Teru asks her if it's possible that she doesn't have a crush on him, to which she is shocked by his question. Aoi asks him what his question was all about, and Teru begins to interrogate her by asking if she liked Akane, and if she did, then why is she going through with the engagement (Clearly, Teru is trying to jog Aoi's original memories out). Aoi instead asks Teru on why he is doing such a thing, but Teru insists and tells her to answer him while sparing no details, which clearly frustrates Aoi.
Both Teru and Aoi go to a secluded pool in the school, and she admits to Teru that their arranged marriage was arranged by their grandfathers. This is because as a female child of the Akane Clan, she is prone to being spirited away by the supernaturals, and as such, the only way to protect her is for her to be married into the Minamoto Family, who have the Exorcist Blood running through their veins. Additionally, she heard that the Minamoto Clan benefits from the arrangement as well, to which Teru becomes curious about. Aoi also tells him that said "benefits" are actually a secret that he (Or rather, the New Present version) never told her.
Teru begins to think further on what Aoi had said regarding the Minamoto Clan's arrangement with the Akane Clan and its implications:
“ |
An arrangement that would benefit the Minamoto Clan? Based on the fact that I kept it from her, it must be something that reflects pretty poorly on us. The Akane Clan possess a special bloodline. Those born into it make perfect human sacrifices for the types of gods and supernaturals that demand them. We would try to keep girls like that within close reach to have control over them. But the masses have stopped believing in gods that demand sacrifices, and now the Seven Mysteries reside at the Academy in place of them, so why? Wait! Unless... The Seven Mysteries don't exist in this world...?
” |
— Teru wondering on what this "benefit" to the Minamoto Clan is all about, on how the Akane girls are powerful sacrifices for the supernaturals and gods, and wondering if this is because the Seven Mysteries don't exist in this world.
Aoi continues with her talk, telling Teru that their engagement became official when she was seven-years old, right after her dad left. She also said that her mother strongly supported the engagement and that rather than marrying out of love, she thought that an arranged marriage between families was safer. She admitted that she didn't want to get engaged and she was at loss as to what she wanted to do, but she reminded Teru that when he found her alone in the garden, he told her this:
“ |
Although neither of us wanted this to happen, we can't just go against our families' decision. So let's pretend like everything's fine in front of everyone else, and who knows? Maybe one day, we can break it off altogether too.
” |
This leaves Teru at a pause, because the entire time, he was assuming that she rejected because she liked Aoi. Teru asked her if he was unhappy too, to which she confirmed it as she also remembered that Teru also told her that he hated people who always hanged their heads and played the victim, and that she should not fall in love with him, because it would be a real pain if they did. Teru still seemed off it, and called him a brat, also asking Aoi who was he, only for her to tell Teru that it was him. Regardless of their true feelings towards one another, they had no choice but to pretend that everything's fine and that their engagement is going perfectly. Given that Teru does stand out, if rumors about their breakup will be made and reach her mother's ears, it will make her very sad. Teru asked her as to her Father, and she said in a scary tone that he had an affair and she has two half-sisters.
Aoi then admitted to Teru that while she loved her mother, she wished that she had a little more faith in her. It also came with her remembering a fond childhood memory with Akane. (Or rather, her original memories resurfacing). She also told Teru that he has to performed well because he doesn't want to be lectured by his family. Teru remembers that, and tells Aoi that it is because he wished to prevent his siblings from getting involved with the family's obligations as much as he can, and addtionally, he doesn't want the only person he can rely on to be involved due to his age (With him comedically screaming "Who are you calling an old man?"). Teru also mentioned that his father is basically not home, and his mother is no longer with them.
But before Teru can finish, Aoi's reaction suddenly became so shocked, and she quickly asks Teru if something happened to his mother. And then she added that she just ran into her at the shopping mall the other day, revealing that in the New Present, his mother never died after giving birth to Tiara. This got Teru thinking that the New Present's "that" kind of world.
Part 3: The Ritual's Implications[]
At the Minamoto Residence, a very-much alive Mother of the Minamoto kids is cooking a number of foods for the entire family. Her son tells her that he is done cooking some of the food and preparing the tables. She comes in to check her son's cooking, and she is delighted by what she sees. She praises him for his good work, and tells him that someday, he'll become a better cook than her. Kou sees what she is cooking, and asks her what they are, to which she says that they are meat cutlets.
However, she became horrified at what she sees next, as Kou seemingly prepared the table only for three people, and she tells him that, to which he replies with shock (Implying that his memories are resurfacing) that he only prepared three plates, despite being family of 5. His mother agreed, and in addition, told him that his dad will be joining in tonight. He answers that "somehow, three just felt right", to which his mother replies by wondering who he had forgot. But before their conversation can continue, his phone vibrates since someone is calling him. So he takes his leave from the kitchen and prepares to answer the phone
Kou takes out his phone and answers the caller, who is revealed to be Mitsuba (With his mother chilling in the background). He tell him that a student (One of the girls who recited the Ritual of the Spirit Gate from the previous chapter) had gone missing. He tells Kou that there is a ritual that can summon a spirit who can answer any question you ask. Additionally, he said that three students from the Photography Club tried it out, and one of them disappeared right before their very eyes, causing the other two to try and look for her. Mitsuba then continues that as their senpai, he couldn't just leave them be, and aims to stop them before the teacher finds out.
Kou asks him "So", and Mitsuba tells him that since he's an Exorcist, he should come with him. This leaves Kou flabbergasted, and the chapter ends.
Part 1: Finding the Seven Mysteries in the New Present[]
The chapter begins with Yashiro Nene telling the readers what Minamoto Teru (He only appears in the cover and in a flashback later in the chapter) had mentioned as their goal for restoring their original timeline two chapters ago, which was to "Check the current state of affairs in the world, and find out exactly what the Clock Keepers changed", because if they now that, then they have a chance to return to their home timeline. Having experience as an assistant to one of the Seven Mysteries, Yashiro decides to begin her quest by looking for the Seven Mysteries of the New Present's Kamome Gakuen.
Throughout her quest, she goes to the many places that are associated with the Seven Mysteries or other supernaturals in the original timeline. Her adventures to uncover them take the form of a dice-playing board game:
- She first goes to the Third Floor Girl's Bathroom, which would be Hanako's boundary location in the original timeline, only to find out that he isn't there. She decides to make a commotion in the bathroom before leaving.
- Next she goes to the rooftop where she reminisces eating lunch with Kou and Hanako, and the absence of everyone else in there makes her feel lonely.
- She then goes to the Gardening club, where she notes the absence of Kodama, and questioning if it's worth exclaiming over.
- She goes to Staircase B at Building 3, which is where the Misaki Stairs (And Yako's boundary) is located, which has now become a hideout for delinquents. As a result, she decides to turn back from there.
- After breathing a sigh of relief from avoiding the delinquents at Staircase B, she goes to the Library, where the 4PM Bookstacks would be, but she couldn't find the door that leads there (Which also confirms once and for all that the Tsuchigomori of the New Present is a full human).
- And finally, she visits the Gymnasium where the students are busy preparing to perform on stage.
With the adventure over (And having changed back to her school uniform), she notes that while there are still supernaturals in the New Present, the overall situation is that everything seems to be peaceful so far. She then sees a butterfly flutter and then land on her nose, which suddenly gives her an idea to visit Tsuchigomori, since he might know some answers.
Part 2: A wild Senpai appears[]
But before she could go there, a person's voice called her out, telling her that's where she was, and addressing her by her full name. She asked the speaker who he is, and asking why he would call out her full name. Then she turns to look at the speaker , and it turns out to be none other than Nakahara-Senpai, her previous crush from Middle School who had called her gross after she asked him out in the original timeline. She looked at him for a bit and then after remembering, says his name and the info that she had liked him in Middle School (Plus her remembering what the original iteration had done to her), to which he responds that it really took her that long.
Yashiro asks Nakahara-Senpai if he need something from her, since it's been a long time since they talked, only for him to say that it was his line, since she had asked him to come (Which was a memory only the New Present iteration of Yashiro had before being temporarily overwritten by the original Yashiro's memories). Yashiro asked him if she did ask, to which he responds that she never showed up, and so he searched for her. Yashiro suddenly stumbles and twirls towards Nakahara, who then grabbed her in a somewhat romantic gesture, and called her a "stubborn girl".
Yashiro is shocked by such an action, and then Nakahara asks her to say it again, which confuses Yashiro further. He then holds up her chin, and asks her to make a love confession. If it is an interesting love confession, then he would make her his "Tenth Girlfriend". Yashiro, rightfully disgusted by it, smashes through his chin like a bullet as she leaps to a place away from him, and as he writhes down in pain, she makes a dash for it.
Unfortunately, Nakahara recovers quickly, and chases Yashiro, going as far as to insult Yashiro by calling her a "daikon girl". And as they both run, Yashiro wonders why her New Present self still hasn't given up on Nakahara-Senpai, and then wonders if it is because she had never met Hanako, and since Teru was already engaged to Aoi (While not knowing how they both really felt about one another), he was never an option for the New Present Yashiro in the first place. While they are running along, Nakahara shouts a really loud "Confess to Me" at Yashiro, to which she responds by shouting out "Never".
Yashiro then wondered just who was her New Present self going to confess to at the School Festival? Since Hanako as far as she knew does not exist in the New Present, she begins to wonder who are her other "options". She then either imagines (Or uncovers a bit of her New Present Self's memories), which begins with Fuji Suzuto, called "The hottest guy in Nene's Class", approaching her with paperwork. He then gives her the paperwork and smiles at her before taking his leave. Afterwards, she passes by Yamabuki Lemon who sees her with Fuji Suzuto's paperwork. He asks her if she's doing Fuji's work again, and then insults her, saying that "Sugar Mama Nene" is at it again.
Not liking how much of a doormat she is, and how she has a negative, insulting nickname, Nene concludes that her New Present self is such an idiot when it comes to guys.
Part 3: The Mysterious Science Prep Room[]
After her bout of running away from a crazed senpai, and overthinking her New Present self's own predicament, she climbs up a staircase, clearly looking tired, and then chances upon a mysterious "Science Prep Room", which she notes to not exist in the original timeline, at least to her knowledge. She then begins to wonder if Tsuchigomori is in there. But she then hears Nakahara shouting her name, and so she quickly enters the room to hide from him.
As he passes by, mumbling angrily about how she embarrassed him and how she wouldn't get off easy the next time she confesses to him, Yashiro gives a high sigh of relief. But this relief is replaced by surprise when someone else shouts "Hey" at her. The person speaking, a teacher wearing a lab gown continues, telling her that "Students aren't allowed to enter the Science Prep room without permission. Yashiro apologizes and then tells the teacher that she has something to tell him, but then her expression is quickly changed into a big surprise when she sees who he is: Yugi Amane in the flesh!
Amane apologizes to her and says that he is just messing with her, and that everyone comes to the Science Prep room to hang out everytime. He then asks her what grade she's in, her name and if she needed help with something. He also asks her if she needs advice on grades and career guidance, or if she's curious about the incantation that's been making the rounds lately, clearly referring to the Ritual of the Spirit Gate that summons Yugi Tsukasa as part of the ritual. Yashiro was not only shocked by his appearance, but also that he mentioned an incantation. He reassure her by telling her to take her time, and then to take a seat and have some coffee
But before Yashiro can ask him who he is, he disappears, revealing itself to be an apparition after all. Yashiro herself concludes that his situation is similar to Yugi Tsukasa's situation many chapters ago, in which at times, Kamome Gakuen's time can be displaced and so allow people and events from different times to appear in the current present. (And her thoughts went to that moment when making that conclusion). As she looks around, she wondered if the Science Prep room contains a piece of the New Present's past, since it isn't a Science Prep room anymore, but a storage room. She looks around, and stumbles on a bundle of school records that are entitled "Astronomy Club records. She then takes one of them and reads it.
The pages of the record she was reading were as follows:
- The first page mentioned that two students had joined the Astronomy Club, and there will be an exchange meeting at the Science and Technology Museum again, implying that previous exchange meetings happened there as well.
- The second page mentioned that on August 2, 1982, the Astronomy Club observed the Eta Aquariids Meteor Shower. It also mentioned that the club practiced setting up their telescopes, with the First Years struggling at it.
- The third page mentioned that the Astronomy Club had an observatory field trip, when they went to a large-scale reflector telescope. It also shows a picture of Yugi Amane showing the club members the reflector telescope. The caption explains that Amane was explaining Diurnal motion of the stars to them. There is also a piece of information about the reflector telescope that is mostly cut-off by the panel, but it reveals the diameter of the reflecting telescope's mirror to be 91 centimeters, or almost a meter.
She takes a long hard look at the picture of Yugi Amane, and then she mutters "Hanako-Kun" while looking at the book in a solemn manner.
Part 3: The Search for the missing schoolgirl[]
Sometime later at night, Minamoto Kou (New Present) turns on his flashlight, with Mitsuba Sousuke (New Present) walking right beside him and tugging his jacket. As they walked around, Kou asked him what changed, since Mitsuba is normally a scaredy-cat and would not come to the school at night. Mitsuba brushes him off, and tells him (In a tsundere-like tone) that it's nothing and that he is just looking after his underclassmen. They both came across a door with the words "Student Study Room" etched on a poster taped to its face. They both enter the room, and see the remnants of the ritual that had happened on one of the desks.
Kou asks Mitsuba if the ritual happened in that desk, and that the students from his club have recited the "Learn-anything-you-want-to-know" incantation in there. Mitsuba answers in the positive, and wonders if the missing student is doing alright. Kou then takes a closer look at the flower on the desk. Then he looks at the floor surrounding the desk, and then concludes that there is nothing to worry about. Mitsuba snickers at him if he doesn't believe it, and implies that Kou is not a good exorcist. But Kou tells him that it's not what he meant.
Kou tells Mitsuba that he is dealing with the "Tsukasa-Kun" incantation, and that it's just an average spirit-summoning technique that he had seen a dozen times. Mitsuba asks him if that is so, and he explains it to him in detail:
“ |
Kou: If you've ever heard of Kokkuri-San or Angel-San, it's just like them. Only difference is the name. Depending on the type of ceremony that's performed, the summoned spirit can cause a variety of different supernatural phenomena (Like moving a 10-yen coin around or starting a poltergeist). That said, those types of ceremonies generally summon only minor supernaturals, none of which should have the power necessary to kill a student. At best, they could possess someone and influence their actions Mitsuba: Possess? Are you sure that's nothing to worry about? What exactly happens to them? Kou: First, they make it hard for humans without spiritual power to detect what's going on, (then they kick up a fuss by going missing). Lastly, they start talkin' and actin' crazy and eating weird things (like raw meat and small animals) Mitsuba: Wha- Kou: Let's hurry up and find them, they should be somewhere in the school-
” |
— Minamoto Kou explain to Mitsuba Sousuke how the Tsukasa-Kun incantation works, and how it possesses people.
But before the both of them can find and rescue the missing schoolgirl, they hear a plop, and then the plops go louder. A zombie-like girl (Presumably the missing schoolgirl) is seen climbing at the window behind Kou. As the sounds get louder, they both turn back, and then rush to the window to try and find it, but they see nothing. Then all of a sudden, a young child's voice calls out to them, thanking them for playing.
As both Kou and Mitsuba turn back, they see a child with his back hunched. He then starts moving his neck and laughing creepily as he starts to turn around. As he turns to face the two, he exclaims that he has found two more people to play with. And when his face is seen, it is nothing short of horrific as a large black spot (Or rather a big gaping hole) resembling the black spot assumed by the Entity on the original timeline Tsukasa's heart covers most of it.
Tsukasa then covers his face with both his palms, and for a moment, his regular eyes are seen by the readers. He says "Let's play", and the chapter ends on a bad note for both Kou and Mitsuba.
Part 1: Tsukasa-Kun's Game[]
The Chapter begins with the ending of the previous chapter, now captured in an eerie and ghastly set of colors. As "Tsukasa-Kun" appears before both Minamoto Kou and Mitsuba Sousuke, he invites them to play his game.
As he gives them a long, creepy stare, Kou wonders what is up with him, and noted that for a second, his face had a hole in it, having since been transformed into a face with a pair of creepy golden eyes with no black pupils. Mitsuba asks Kou if that's "Tsukasa-Kun", to which Kou answers that he seemed like he just wanted to play with them, and that as per his rumor, he would tell the person anything they want to know if they play with him. Tsukasa then tiptoes towards them and begs both Kou and Mitsuba to play with him in a childlike manner.
Given his cuteness and seeming innocent behavior, Mitsuba seems to be convinced that he just genuinely wants to play, but Kou tells him not to as he points Raitenjou at Tsukasa. Kou than angrily questions him as to the whereabouts of the missing schoolgirl, only for Tsukasa to exclaim that he wants up, seemingly not understanding the question Kou was asking. Tsukasa then tells Kou to hold him, and as the both of them look, he touches Kou's hand, which gives off a chilly feeling and causes Kou to punch him off and then try to exorcise him with Raitenjou, only for Tsuksa to generate a powerful spirit blast around him and fling Kou out, but then Kou manages to impale him with the weapon.
Mitsuba, shocked by what had happened, tells Kou to hold it and askes him what he was doing, to which Kou tells him to run, since it isn't an ordinary supernatural that he was dealing with. Then Mitsuba takes a look at Kou's hand, and sees that there are several black spots around the part that Tsukasa touched, to which he exclaims to Kou about. Tsukasa, seemingly unfazed by the impalement, exclaims that he wants up, before seeming to deform, as his whole face becomes a giant hole once again as he exclaims that both Kou and Mitsuba are not gonna do what he wants. Before things become worse, Kou grabs Mitsuba's hand and takes him out of the situation.
Part 2: Mitsuba's Dream[]
After a while, they both enter a Nekomimi Cafe Stand for the School Festival, and Kou tells Mitsuba that they might be safer there for now. Mitsuba asks him that if the spirit is dangerous, then shouldn't they leave the school instead, to which Kou answers that it's not exactly the case. He then tells Mitsuba to take a look at his hand, to which he obliges, only to see that the same corruption that took hold of Kou's hand is there as well, shocking him. Kou asks him if he can move it, to which he answers that it doesn't seem any different. Mitsuba becomes scared and asks Kou if that was a curse placed on him, and if they're gonna die, to which he Kou tells him to calm down, since the corruption's effect is just to take away their control over their bodies. He further exclaims that if it spreads, then the spirit will fully take hold of him. Mitsuba asks if he meant like something, to which he wonders what he meant, only to see that there is a zombie-like supernatural on the ceiling.The zombie, who is the missing schoolgirl, looks at them, snarls, and then goes away. Mitsuba takes note of it, and then laments that such an "ordinary incantation" is not ordinary after all.
Mitsuba then tells Kou that while it's weird, he felt that Tsukasa-Kun is familiar to him somewhat (Showing us that his original iteration's memories are beginning to surface). Kou is shocked by his words, and then Mitsuba further explains that eversince the School Festival, he's been having this weird dream, to which he had become a supernatural (Particularly, becoming the no No.3), with flashbacks from his and Kou's original iterations, as well as the original Yugi Tsukasa included in them. Kou then asks Mitsuba if Tsukasa appeared in his dream, to which he answers that he doesn't remember. But Mitsuba tells Kou that he was there as well, adding a snide remark about his earring, to which Kou angrily asks if he's picking up a fight. Mitsuba tells him that he wants to remember what had happened, while asking Kou if he remembered anything about it. Kou wonders on his question, while a flashback of his original iteration having a meal with Minamoto Teru and Minamoto Tiara appears. Mitsuba tells him to save it for later, to which Kou responds that they're here to do something, in case Mitsuba forgot, which was to take Tsukasa-Kun down.
Part 3: Kou and Mitsuba's Game Plan[]
Meanwhile, Tsukasa-Kun is wandering around the classrooms looking for both Kou and Mitsuba. As he wanders from classroom to classroom, looking for them, he wonders if they are playing hide and seek with him. Then as he wanders the hallway, he mentioned his brother Amane's name, before Kou calls him out. As Tsukasa turns around to look, he sees Kou with a smirk on his face. Kou tells him that he's got a game for him, which is a game of tag. Tsukasa then becomes excited upon hearing those words, and Kou readies himself as he yells "Ready? Go!" and runs as fast as he can.
While Kou is busy distracting Tsukasa with his game of tag, Mitsuba peeks out from the Nekomimi Cafe's stand, and wonders if they're both gone. Confirming that the both of them are gone, he exclaims that now is his chance and sets off.
We then go to flashback earlier in the chapter, wherein Kou tells Mitsuba his plan as he wraps his hand with bandage tape. He tells him that there is a correct way to send a supernatural summoned by a ritual back to where they came from. In Tsukasa-Kun's case, it is to play with him until he's satisfied, but that would result in the both of them ending up zombified like the missing schoolgirl. Instead, Kou suggests that they send him back by force. He further explains that a supernatural summoned by a human interferes in the human world through the creation of a Yorishiro from something. Thus, if said Yorishiro is destroyed, it would force Tsukasa-Kun out of the human realm. In doing so, hoever, it makes the supernatural bear a grudge against them, but given their situation, they can't afford to be choosy, and so they have to resort to destroying the Yorishiro allowing Tsukasa-Kun to run amok while he is distracted. This is Kou's game plan to drive Tsukasa-Kun out of the human realm.
In accordance with the plan, Mitsuba wanders downstairs looking for the classroom. He wonders how Kou is doing with the Game of tag, but then assures himself that since he isn't the one being chased by Tsukasa-Kun right now, he feels that the quest to destroy the Yorishiro is "Easy, Peasy, Lemon Squeezy". But Mitsuba jinks himself, as in the end, the zombified schoolgirl from earlier is right above him. She looks at him straight in the eyes, which scares Mitsuba and makes him run for his life. The schoolgirl follows him while screaming at him to "Save Me!". Unfortunately, Mitsuba trips and falls flat on the floor, and while the zombified school girl calls him "Senpai", he assures her that he will return her back to normal as he gets up and runs away again.
We go again to Kou's instructions, as he tells Mitsuba that the instructions for summoning Tsukasa-Kun uses a vase of flowers and a piece of paper with one's name written on it. Kou tells him that if he had to guess, the paper is the Yorishiro, and so tells him to return to the classroom, find the paper used to summon Tsukasa-Kun, and destroy it. At the same time, Mitsuba finds the classroom where the Ritual to summon Tsukasa-Kun took place, grabs the bloodied piece of paper that is acting as the Yorishiro, and then rips it out with his teeth. At that moment, the zombified schoolgirl was about to pounce on him but at the moment of ripping the Yorishiro apart, she is immediately restored to her human self, and falls to the floor, unconscious.
Part 4: The Possessed Exorcist[]
Mitsuba pokes the girl's head, asking her if they are both saved. Just then, Kou comes into the classroom, and Mitsuba runs to him, exclaiming that he did it and boasting about it. But before he could continue, something about Kou shocks him, and we see that Kou has been affected by Tsukasa-Kun's power, and turned into a zombified supernatural, complete with a large gaping hole in his head. Suddenly, he grabs Mitsuba by the neck and begins to choke him, and as Mitsuba struggles to free himself, Kou begins to laugh eerily, and then tells him that "he got him", thus makin Kou's plan, and Mitsuba's action of destroying the Yorishiro for naught. Kou then tells him to play with him, but before he could react, Mitsuba begins to punch him many times while calling him numerous insults. Mitsuba's actions seem to stun him a bit, but to truly stop Tsukasa-Kun's control over him, he has to get Raitenjou and hit him with it. Unfortunately, Raitenjou is too far for Mitsuba to reach.
Just suddenly, a hand grabs Raitenjou, and then remarks that on what is going on with the commotion, and then figuring out that it was his little brother. Just then, Minamoto Teru appears out of thin air and greets both Kou and Mitsuba, while Kou is still in the act of choking Mitsuba. Teru remarks that Kou still needs more training to do, since he, despite being an exorcist, is now possessed by Tsukasa-Kun. Kou then lets go of Mitsuba and then tries to lunge at Teru, only for him to activate Raitenjou's power and then swipe him with it, releasing Kou from Tsukasa-Kun's possession.
As Kou is freed from the possession, he faints but then Teru grabs him before he falls down. Mitsuba, shocked by the events, askes Teru if Kou's dead, to which Teru doesn't answer, and instead asks Mitsuba if he's ok, to which he answers that he is safe, thanks to Teru, all the while being scared and jittery in his responses. Teru also tells Mitsuba to also thank Aoi Akane, who has just entered, with a rather sad look on his face. Akane then tells him that he told him many times to be a little more gentle when it comes to supernaturals, to which Teru answers that he's always gentle, in a sarcastic mannder, all the while Mitsuba tries to wake the unconscious Kou up.
Akane then asks Teru if the supernatural possessing Kou was tough to exorcise, to which he answers that it isn't the case, since he was only able to weaken him a bit but just enough to force him to release his control over Kou. Teru then further exclaims that the spirit is still around, lurking somewhere. Then Teru admits the worst about the New Present: That Yugi Tsukasa isn't fully gone, after all. Akane seems to agree with that, and then notes that he looks different from how he usually looks. Then Akane thought of the possibility that both Kako and Mirai might have messed up when attempting to remove the Root of the Problem, though he dismisses it, since they possibly couldn't do that. In that case, Akane wonders if it's possible that "Tsukasa-Kun" is not actually Yugi Tsukasa?
Then we get a shot of Yugi Tsukasa running around in the hallways of the school. And with that, the Chapter ends.
Part 1: The Debrief[]
The chapter begins at the Second Day of the School Festival, with Akane Aoi in her costume, being told by the other students of Class 1-A that Yashiro Nene's gone missing. Aoi expresses shock at this, as the other students explain to her that they can't reach her through her phone. They also wonder about what to do for today's play and so Aoi offers to reach out to her. She calls Nene on her phone when suddenly, a bunch of male students were shouting Aoi Akane's name, clearly looking for him. As it turns out, Akane himself is also missing, and not only that, he has neither responded to their messages nor answered their calls. Then suddenly, a bunch of students in maid and butler costumes barged in and ask Aoi as to the whereabouts of Minamoto Teru, figuring that as his fiancee, she would know where he is. With no answers as to their whereabouts, Aoi stares in the scene confused as chaos ensures due to the absences of the three students. From there, she began to wonder if the three of them had gone somewhere.
But then it is revealed that the three of them are actually at a Diner called Demmy's (Clearly a reference to Denny's), and with them together, Akane begins a "debriefing". They begin by stating that the goal of the debrief is to discuss on each other's findings, including what kind of world the New Present is, what differences does it have from the Original Timeline, and any related stuff. But Nene's stomach growls in the most comedic of timings as she had skipped her breakfast, leading Akane to conclude that they should order some food first. They order three sets of unlimited drinks, some fries, and other meals that were not mentioned. Just then, Teru receives a text from Aoi, asking where he is, and so he sneakily gets away from Akane and Nene to respond to it.
Sometime later, the foods come in, including Club Sandwiches, Tarako Fries, Steak Meals, Shoyu Ramen and Tekkadon, and even a Dinner Mokke, for some reason. As for drinks, Nene has a vegetarian juice while Akane had some tea, while Teru's seems to have a rather weird bubbling concoction below it. Both Akane and Nene ask Teru as to what it is. Teru then asks the both of them what they think it is, which Akane insultingly calls "Toilet Water". Then Teru answers that it's a special blend of drink, and then says nothing further about it. Overall, the foods are delicious and except for the suspicious drink that Teru ordered, the other drinks are fine too.
While they are both eating Nene opens up on her findings, while Teru suspiciously switches his and 's drinks. She tells both Akane and Teru about her findings offscreen, and so shocks Akane when he found out that Yugi Amane became a teacher in the New Present. Nene then clarified that he was the Astronomy Club Advisor and showed Akane and Teru the photo of Amane leading a group of students at a tour of the Reflecting Telescope. Akane becomes shocked as he exclaimed that the world has gone crazy if Hanako, who was a Murderer, became a teacher in the New Present. Likewise, Teru found it unbelievable that not only did Amane became an adult but also a teacher.
This situation eventually reminds Nene of what Tsuchigomori had said to her, in which Hanako's original fate was to become an adult and a teacher, and that he wasn't supposed to die young, and so she tells both Akane and Teru that she sees the New Present as a world where Hanako got to become an adult, like he was supposed to become, and that when she realized that, she wondered if the New Present should stay that way.
When Teru wondered on her encounter with Amane, he also told her that he met Yugi Tsukasa, which surprises her. Akane then clarified that what happened was that they had bumped into both Minamoto Kou and Mitsuba Sousuke, and that this version of Tsukasa was an offshot of the Kokkuri-San rumor. However, he thinks that the Yugi Tsukasa they encountered is different from the Yugi Tsukasa that they both knew. Nene clarified if the New Present of Tsukasa is both Tsukasa-Kun and not Tsukasa-Kun, with Akane answering that from what both Kou and Mitsuba had described, he looked like a young ghost kid with a hole for his face. This confuses Nene further.
Teru then added that what is now clear is that both the Yugi Twins have been drastically changed in the New Present, with Akane agreeing, because despite such changes, they are too insignificant due to the apparent stability of the New Present, as when one compares it to the Original Timeline with all its horrors and terrors, it is no contest, and so he agrees with Nene that they shouldn't return the world back to the Original Timeline, having already accepted his change as to his relationship with Aoi if it meant that the New Present is what is best for the timeline going forward.
Part 2: Teru's Disagreement[]
Teru, still clinging on to the plan to reverse what the Clock Keepers had done, remarks that Nene had a change of mind, and Akane wants to defend the New Present, which causes him to have a long sigh. Both Akane and Nene are annoyed by this, and Akane tells him that if he has something to say, then he should say it. Teru snarked back by saying that does he need to spell it out for them, which further confuses Akane. Teru then calms down, and begins his counter-defense by beginning with Nene.
Towards Nene, he tells her that while it is now true that the New Present is a world where Hanako is now an adult, he jabs at her with a heart-wrenching question, asking whatever proof she had that can make him happy. Nene, who was surprised by his remark, doesn't answer as she has defense to Teru's words. Teru then proceeded to Akane, and tells him that while the Clock Keepers' Yorishiro won't be destroyed in the New Present, he also tells Akane that in the New Present, the Seven Mysteries as a whole, didn't exist to begin with, and since their main function is to keep balance and order between the Near and Far Shores, and between the Humans and Supernaturals, their non-existence in the New Present means that there is no actual stability in the way things are run (This appears alongside chibi versions of the Seven Mysteries with the notable exceptions of both Kako and Mirai). As such, he claims that it is too early for Akane to conclude that the New Present is as stable as it is, and to conclude his statement, he tells Akane that he is rather rash for saying that, with a comical fist coming out of his speech bubble to indicate that his words hit Akane hard.
Teru then concludes by saying that it is not a matter of whether the New Present is good or bad for everyone, as he admits to them that his mother is alive. These words, alongside Teru's unusually sad expression shocks both Akane and Nene. Teru further continues by telling them that his father is home, and both he and Kou have time to hang out with their friends. He then mournfully admits that both Akane and Nene are correct and that the New Present's great. Akane begins to counterpoint Teru but he interrupts Akane by saying if there is any guarantee that the New Present won't change again, and then points out that there is a method to do so. And so if they let it slide, what's not to say that time can be rewinded a second or a third time. (As he says this, a rather eerie image of both Kako and Mirai rewinding time over and over again is seen, with Mirai looking more like a deathly husk than a doll). They could easily lose the New Present as easily as they gained it, and so be at the mercy of the Clock Keepers who can dish out new iterations of their world entirely at their own discretion.
This statement seems to hurt Akane deeply, given the time he spent with both Kako and Mirai, and so he tells Teru that the Clock Keepers aren't as tyrannical as Teru made them out to be, to which Teru admits he is fine with, but then he tells Akane that he would rather not live the rest of his life not knowing if everything can be rewritten by the Clock Keepers again, and to all that, he says "Thanks but no thanks". He tells both Akane and Nene that he is sorry but that he has no interest in leaving the New Present as it is, and he tells Akane how he has any position to object to him, in light of Aoi being his fiancée instead of Akane's girlfriend. It seems to trigger Akane as he tells him "Come again?".
While secretly giving somebody their location, and their footsteps walking towards them, Teru then makes clear his intention to return the New Present back to their original timeline, because if they don't, then the things they treasure the most will be stolen away. Then he looks at his back and tells somebody "Right?" That somebody is revealed to be Aoi, now in her School Uniform. Her appearance shocks both Akane and Nene. Akane asks her why she's here, but instead she wants to know "Why".
Part 3: Aoi's Misunderstanding and Akane's Confession[]
Aoi then questions Akane as to why he would leave the School Festival in order to "play hooky" with Nene, and then leave everyone in a bind. Then in a more threatening aura, she asks him again "Why?". This really shocks Akane, who notices that she's getting really angry, and then he remarks to Teru, suspecting him of having called her in. Teru then confirms it to Akane, telling him that he called her, and told her that he was at the Diner with Nene, with Akane angrily calling him a bastard. In a fit of misunderstanding that Teru intentionally caused, Aoi then tells both Akane and Nene that she wasn't aware that the both of them are so close, and then she begins to cry. She then angrily tells them that if they are both going out, they could have just told her, to which both Nene and Akane tell her that she got the wrong idea.
Then as Akane panics and plays Damage Control by telling her that she shouldn't trust Teru's words and take them at face value, while Nene joins in by telling her that she had already mentioned to her that she has someone that she likes. These words caused Aoi to suddenly change her attitude and so she leans in towards Nene and asks her "Who?", which only makes Nene fluster all the more. Teru then adds insult to injury by daring her to tell Aoi that she was in love with the Evil Spirit of a Murderer (Clearly referring to Hanako). This only confuses Aoi further and so Nene instead does double damage control by telling her again that she and Akane aren't like that at all. Aoi doubts what Nene said and asks "Really", causing Akane to make a random confession out of nowhere:
“ |
REALLY! The One I've loved my entire life... and will spend the rest of my life loving... no, even after that... IS YOU AND ONLY YOU, AO-CHAN!
” |
— Aoi Akane's confession towards Akane Aoi, in order to dispell the Misunderstanding that she had about him and Yashiro Nene.
This confession out of nowhere shocks Aoi and makes her heart skip a beat, but Teru only continued to mock Akane further, remarking that the Aoi that Akane likes is a different Akane Aoi, technically speaking. Knowing that such a statement will cause further confusion to Aoi, Teru further continued that the Aoi that Akane confesses to everyday, and even kissed isn't the New Present's Aoi, but rather another girl with the "Akane" surname. This makes Akane panic all the more and tells Teru to not say those things or Aoi will misunderstand the situation further. Aoi continues to be confused and misunderstand the situation, all the while Akane tries to defuse it, which does not work in the end (In fact, Akane called Teru a "Demon from Hell" when he mocked him). When Aoi started to become angry again, Akane breaked down, slumps onto the floor, and then screams out that he will tell her everything if she just listens to him.
Part 4: Aoi joins the team[]
Following an off-panel revelation of his relationship with the Original Timeline Aoi until now, and an additional order of Mini-Grape Parfait and French Toast (And also a Mokke holding a Gum Syrup), the New Present Aoi is surprised on the fact that the timeline was changed, and that both Nene, Akane and Teru are in her words, "from a world that she doesn't know", to which Teru answers in the positive. Akane, defeated by his prior confession and explanation (Comically represented by having a low health bar above his head), admits to her that he is really in love with her, while Nene apologizes to Aoi for getting her wrapped up in their actions. Aoi only gives a sad look, and when Teru asked that what she heard was hard to believe, she answered in the positive. He then asked her if she is anxious due to the revelations, she only said nothing, to which Teru says that she is. He then invites her to come with the three of them, thus recruiting her into his team.
Of course, while she still said nothing, Teru decides that it is settled which surprises both Akane and Nene, and while Aoi askes if that is right, he tells her that it is all right, since this is not a top secret operation or anything. Teru then tells both Akane and Nene that Aoi would be a great help in their investigations of the New Present, and with that, the four of them get up and leave the Diner, with Teru saying that they have to go somewhere. The others asked Teru where they will go, and he answers that since both Amane and Tsukasa's fates were drastically altered, then something big must have happened to change their lives for good, so he decides that they have to investigate their childhood home next, which is of course, none other than the Red House itself.
Part 5: The Red House of the New Present[]
Coincidentally, both Kou and Mitsuba are unknowingly headed into the Red House, when the both of them are walking together on the streets of the town. Mitsuba remarks to Kou that he is too kind for his own good, as he is doing his teacher's errands despite their encounter with Tsukasa yesterday. Mitsuba then further remarks that today is the Second Day of the School Festival, and that they are both invited to go Karaoke with friends afterwards. Kou then responded that he wasn't given a choice since he was entrusted with the errand of delivering the printouts, and then he berates Mitsuba by telling hi that he could have gone to Karaoke himself. Mitsuba then clapped back by telling Kou that what he said was a funny way of saying "Thanks for coming with me". But more importantly for Mitsuba, he wanted to continue his conversation about his dream. Kou merely said "Oh, right", and Mitsuba berated him for his look and not wanting to talk about it. Mitsuba then decided that they should just get over with the printouts.
They approached the place where Kou was going to hand over the printouts, which is none other than the Red House itself. Mitsuba askes Kou if this is the place, and Kou answers in the affirmative. Kou even notes that the place has a red roof. And then as he tells Kou if that is what the place looks like (And even poses in front of it), Kou notices that the entire place looks dilapidated, and then says that the address can't be right, as the entire place is falling apart. All of a sudden, a rather eerie voice emerges from his ear, saying "That's it", in an eerie tone, and while Kou turned back to find out who said it, he saw nobody around. He asks Mitsuba if he said what he had heard, to which Mitsuba answers that he didn't say anything. Mitsuba then being impatient, tells Kou to hurry inside, and Kou follows through, despite his suspicions on the location and the voice from earlier. The Chapter the ends.Features[]
- This volume includes a preview of Volume 24.
Translation Notes[]