Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Wiki
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Wiki

AidaIro April 2023 Banner

Minamoto Supernatural Detective Agency is AidaIro's April Fools Event for the year 2023.

The main motif is an Investigation Series, and its main focus is Minamoto Teru, in the role of a well-known investigator who is currently investigating the whereabouts of a Certain Mysterious Ryokan and several events that are tied to it. And the Viewer that the Investigator is talking to, and seeing the various clues scattered around his office is none other than Kou Minamoto, who is a reporter looking for his missing coworker.

It is tied to Bakeneko Ryokan Hanakotei, and right after the event ended on April 4, Bakeneko Ryokan Hanakotei's Invitation Advertisment event started immediately.


Event Timeline[]

April 1[]

April 1 Part 1: Answering The Phone
April Fools 2023 Prelude
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"Hello, you’ve reached the Minamoto Supernatural Detective Agency--"

"Oh, it's just you, Kou. Yes, of course."

"All right, I'll see you at 8 PM.""

Telephone Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Telephone: "

"Click! Booop, booop...."

April 1 Part 2: The Introduction
April Fools 2023 Part 1
Placeholder Narrator: "

Somewhere in the city lies

an ultra-famous detective agency

that boasts a terrifying case-solving rate...."

April 1 Part 3: Meeting The Investigator
April Fools 2023 Part 2
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"Welcome, I've been waiting for you."

"You say I look tired? Haha, I've been working on a big case that came in yesterday."

"But we have plans to go on break tomorrow, and I'm used to pulling all-nighters, so don't worry about me."

"You reporters are just as busy, right?""

April 1 Part 4: Entering The Investigator's Office
April Fools 2023 Part 3
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"I've collected the info pertaining to the Ryokan Case over there."

"Huh? You don't know where I mean? Sorry, I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to organize everything."

"All my other case files are scattered around... but I won't mind if you search through them for it.""

April 1 Part 5: Choosing An Item Of Interest 1
Placeholder Narrator: "

Various items have been scattered throughout the detective agency.

What interests you is..."

Placeholder Poll Choices: "

1. The old flier

2. The strange magazine

3. The dirtied diary (Chosen)

4. The used TV"

April 1 Part 6: Describing The Dirtied Diary
April Fools 2023 Part 4
Placeholder Narrator: "

It's a diary with a cute design.

It's terribly dirty, as if someone had dropped it somewhere.

You can see a footprint left behind where somebody stepped on it."

April 1 Part 7: Describing The Diary's Contents
April Fools 2023 Part 5
Placeholder Narrator: "

Everyday events have been written inside with neat handwriting.

"The potted flowers we planted bloomed today."

"Went out with a friend."

"I spotted a cute cat.""

April 1 Part 8: Discovering Scribbling In The Diary
April Fools 2023 Part 6
Placeholder Narrator: "

...Yet the diary abruptly cuts off,

and a message written in another person's hand-writing has been left behind.

"Go Away." "

April 1 Part 9: A Client's Request
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"Ahh, that's unrelated to the Ryokan."

"A client asked me to find the diary of someone precious to them."

"We did find it, but as you can see... their work environment was rather poor."

"They figured out a new career path, and went to do field research, but I'm not sure where...""

April 1 Part 10: A Knock On The Door
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

――Knock Knock!


"Looks like somebody's here. Is it another job request...?""

April 1 Part 11: The Staff Member Claims The Diary
April Fools 2023 Part 7
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"Oh, there's a customer. Hello.""

Akane Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Staff Member: "

"I came to pick up something I left behind before I leave!

I'm going on a trip with my childhood friend!"

"A trip to the hot springs, all by ourselves... I can't squander this.

I've finally made it!"

"Enjoy working on your day off, Chief! See ya!""

April 1 Part 12: The Investigator Remarks On The Staff Member
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"A hot springs vacation with his childhood friend, huh..."

"Oh, that was one of our staff members. It seems he's going to be taking some time off, as well.""

April 1 Part 13: Choosing An Item Of Interest 2
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

Now, where shall we look next?"

Placeholder Poll Choices: "

1. The old flier

2. The strange magazine (Chosen)

3. The used TV"

April 1 Part 14: Describing The Strange Magazine
April Fools 2023 Part 8
Placeholder Narrator: "

A mysterious magazine titled Monthly Mo has been left here.

There's a bookmark that's been left inside.

A feature on Unidentified Mysterious Animals...?"

April 1 Part 15: Checking The Strange Magazine's Contents
April Fools 2023 Part 9
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"Reports of cryptids at the Ryokan are almost never-ending."

"If you go there, maybe try seeing if you can catch one? You might earn some extra pocket money..."

"Haha, I'm just kidding, of course.""

April 1 Part 16: Choosing An Item Of Interest 3
Placeholder Narrator: "

Now, what should we look at next?

🐈The investigation continues tomorrow at 8PM🐈"

Placeholder Poll Choices: "

1. The old flier

2. Used TV

3. Cassette Tape (Chosen)"

April 2[]

April 2 Part 1: Describing The Cassette Tape
April Fools 2023 Part 10
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

It's an old cassette tape. I'll try playing it.

...It's a man recounting how he was spirited away as a child,

and wandered into a mysterious ryokan in the mountains.

He sounds oddly happy about the experience."

April 2 Part 2: The Man Talks About His Experiences
April Fools 2023 Part 11
Natsuhiko Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Man's Voice On Cassette Tape: "

"...and that was how I returned to human civilization."

"I'll never forget the girl who helped me to escape from there. Never ever~!""

April 2 Part 3: The Man Talks Is Saved By The Mysterious Spirit Girl
April Fools 2023 Part 12
Natsuhiko Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Man's Voice On Cassette Tape: "

"She told me 'you must never come back here again,' but it's my dream to go back there and be reunited with her."

"I wouldn't mind being a cat, if it means I can be with a beauty like her...!!!""

April 2 Part 4: The Investigator Remarks On The Man in the Cassette Tape
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"To be attracted to someone that isn't even human? What a freak."

"I can't relate at all.""

April 2 Part 5: Choosing An Item Of Interest 4
Placeholder Narrator: "

Now, what should we look at next?"

Placeholder Poll Choices: "

1. The old flier

2. Left-On TV (Chosen)"

April 2 Part 6: Describing The Left-On TV
April Fools 2023 Part 13
Placeholder Narrator: "

It's a daytime news broadcast.

It appears that the children of the leaders of the East and West yakuza organizations have gone to dinner together.

Rumor has it that they're considering an arranged marriage to unite the criminal underworld."

April 2 Part 7: The Yakuza Groom Comments On The Arranged Marriage Between The Yakuza Organizations
April Fools 2023 Part 14
Shinigami-Sama Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Yakuza Groom: "

"Now this is just plain dumb. A political marriage, in this day 'n age?""

April 2 Part 8: The Yakuza Bride Replies To The Yakuza Groom
April Fools 2023 Part 15
Sumire Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Yakuza Bride: "

"Wait, you don't want to get married?""

Shinigami-Sama Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Yakuza Groom: "


April 2 Part 9: The Investigator Remarks On The Yakuza Couple In The Left-On TV
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"Wow, they'll make a news report on just about anything."

"I'll change the channel~""

April 2 Part 10: Choosing An Item Of Interest 5
Placeholder Narrator: "

Now, what should we look at next?

🐈The investigation continues tomorrow at 8PM🐈"

Placeholder Poll Choices: "

1. Old Flier

2. Old Newspaper Clipping (Chosen)"

April 3[]

April 3 Part 1: Describing The Old Newspaper Clipping
April Fools 2023 Part 16
Placeholder Narrator: "

It's a newspaper clipping from 50 years ago.

During a national tour, a popular circus troupe had their tent burst into flames in the middle of the night, leaving nothing behind."

April 3 Part 2: Describing The Newspaper Clipping's Contents
April Fools 2023 Part 17
Placeholder Narrator: "

Officially, the cause of the fire is unknown, but on that night, two small figures were spotted fleeing from the scene of the crime.

However, there was only one child registered with the circus troupe at the time--a single animal handler, who went missing after the incident.

The child was known for doting on his pet black cat."

April 3 Part 4: The Investigator Remarks On The Missing Kid Shown On The Newspaper Clipping
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"Rumor has it that there's someone at the ryokan who looks exactly like the child who went missing, completely unchanged over the years."

"I wonder what that means...?"

April 3 Part 5: Remarking That The Old Flier Is The Last Item To Investigate
Placeholder Narrator: "

Now all that's left is the old flier."

April 3 Part 6: Describing The Old Flier
April Fools 2023 Part 18
Placeholder Narrator: "

There's a tattered, yellowed flier lying around--a notice for a lost cat.

It appears the cat went missing over ten years ago..."

April 3 Part 7: The Investigator Remarks On The Old Flier's Contents, While Petting His Pet Cat
April Fools 2023 Part 19
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"What a big cat. Cute, isn't she?"

"They said she was a strange cat who would dance on nights of the full moon."

"Apparently they never found her... but lately, I've heard reports that a cat with similar characteristics was spotted near the ryokan.""

April 3 Part 8: Preparing To Ask For Information About A Missing Person
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

I've finished surveying the results of the agency's investigation.

Now, for the final step, I'll ask for information concerning the person I'm looking for.

🐈The final investigation begins tomorrow at 8 PM🐈"

April 4[]

April 4 Part 1: The Reporter Shows The Investigator The Missing Reporter's Camera
April Fools 2023 Part 20
Kou Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Reporter: "

This is what the person I'm looking for left behind.

I've brought it here with me."

April 4 Part 2: The Investigator Ponders On Whether The Missing Reporter Disappeared Of His Own Will
April Fools 2023 Part 21
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"About that coworker of yours who disappeared, the photographer...""

Kou Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Reporter: "

"So far we haven't gotten any concrete proof that kid is staying at the ryokan.""

Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"I wonder if it's possible that he disappeared of his own free will...""

April 4 Part 3: The Reporter Exclaims That His Missing Coworker Is Not The Type Of Reporter To Run Away Like That
April Fools 2023 Part 22
Kou Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Reporter: "

That's what the guys at work all said.

That he ran out on us 'cause the job is hard. But..."

April 4 Part 4: The Reporter Further Explains That Something Must Have Happened To His Missing Coworker
April Fools 2023 Part 23
Kou Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Reporter: "

He'd never go off and leave his camera behind.

Something must have happened to him out there..."

April 4 Part 5: The Investigator Responds To The Reporter's Conviction
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"I see. Then you should trust your intuition."

"Even if there's no evidence to support it, there's still a chance he might be there.""

April 4 Part 6: The Investigator Offers To Go With The Reporter To The Ryokan...
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"...And that's all my investigation has turned up.""

Kou Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Reporter: "

"So what's next?

There's not much left except to actually go to the ryokan.""

Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"If you'll hire me, I'll go with you...""

April 4 Part 7: The Reporter Decides That He Will Go To The Ryokan Alone
April Fools 2023 Part 24
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"Oh, you're going alone?

Since you don't want to bother me when I'm on vacation?""

Kou Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Reporter: "

"But you know, they'll probably be less suspicious if we go together...

Have you already got a ticket?""

Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "

"Oh... You're so responsible,

Kou, I'm proud of you.""

Kou Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Reporter: "

"Okay then, see you.

Be careful.""

April 4 Part 8: The Investigator Ponders On Whether He Should Go To The Ryokan As Well
April Fools 2023 Part 25
Teru Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Investigator: "


"A trip to the hot springs, huh?"

"Not like I've got anything better to do. Guess I might as well go, too?""

Transition To Bakeneko Ryokan Hanakotei Event[]

April 4 Part 9: The TV Suddenly Turns On...
April Fools 2023 Part 26
Placeholder TV: "


April 4 Part 10: ...Showing That Something Else Is Appearing On The TV Screen
April Fools 2023 Part 27
Cat Spirit Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Cat Spirit On TV: "

BZzT zzzZzZT......"

April 4 Part 11: The Mysterious Cat Spirit Of The Ryokan Appears!
April Fools 2023 Part 28
Cat Spirit Profile (April Fools Event 2023) Cat Spirit Of The Ryokan: "


