Summer Lights Part 2 (
Nene finds herself on July 7th, 1964 after being hit by a bull, there she meets young Hanako eating a lollipop. Nene frightened as she realizes she has gone back at least 50 years. Seeing Nene in desperate, young Hanako suggests her that he will take her to the lost children's centre near the bamboo tree as he's going to hang his card there too. Nene looks at the red tag and remembers what Hanako has said about the tags before. She believes that if she gets the red tag from young Hanako, she'll be able to go back to the present. Nene runs to Hanako and grabs his clothes, with a pretty creepy face, begging him to give her. Nene keeps on clinging to young Hanako's legs to get the tag, that she annoyed him so much enough to make young Hanako asks a question: "Why do you even need my tag so bad?" Worried that if she tells the truth, young Hanako will be even more confused, Nene makes a lie that if she doesn't have the tag, she won't be able to have a boyfriend forever.
They go to a bench to sit with each other after young Hanako bought some food. Hanako appeases Nene that it was fine that Nene needn't worry. Hanako says he guesses that Nene has confessed 100 times and got rejected by all of them. Furthermore, he says Nene was so fooled that she lost everything, thus she has to bet on help from the lords and gods. Hanako explains because he can't share the tag for Nene, instead he'll share the food. Young Hanako also gives comments about Nene's legs, that her legs are really swollen and that he feels pitiful for Nene. He says that if Nene has a crush on him, he'll be way nicer than her previous crush. This reminds Nene of what Hanako has said to her, telling her that he would be way nicer than Teru. Nene decided to ask young Hanako's name and he replies, "Yugi Amane".
Until now, Nene has definitely sure that this is Hanako when he was a child. Nene introduces herself and asks Amane if it's fine to call him by Amane-kun. Amane agrees and both of them are happy to meet each other.
15 minutes later they finished eating and Nene asks Amane if he was really hungry, Amane tells her that he came here with his brother (Tsukasa) but Tsukasa left him alone so he was lonely. But Amane glads that he met Nene and he won't have to eat dinner alone anymore.