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Alteration Part 4 ( (かい) (へん) () (よん) Kaihen sono yon?) is the one hundred and fifteenth chapter of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun by AidaIro. It shows the appearance of the New Present versions of Nakahara-senpai, Fuji Suzuto and Yamabuki Lemon, the first full facial appearance of Yugi Amane, and the first appearance of Yugi Tsukasa.


Part 1: Finding the Seven Mysteries in the New Present[]

The chapter begins with Yashiro Nene telling the readers what Minamoto Teru (He only appears in the cover and in a flashback later in the chapter) had mentioned as their goal for restoring their original timeline two chapters ago, which was to "Check the current state of affairs in the world, and find out exactly what the Clock Keepers changed", because if they now that, then they have a chance to return to their home timeline. Having experience as an assistant to one of the Seven Mysteries, Yashiro decides to begin her quest by looking for the Seven Mysteries of the New Present's Kamome Gakuen.

Nene trying to find the Seven Mysteries in the New Present

Throughout her quest, she goes to the many places that are associated with the Seven Mysteries or other supernaturals in the original timeline. Her adventures to uncover them take the form of a dice-playing board game:

  • She first goes to the Third Floor Girl's Bathroom, which would be Hanako's boundary location in the original timeline, only to find out that he isn't there. She decides to make a commotion in the bathroom before leaving.
  • Next she goes to the rooftop where she reminisces eating lunch with Kou and Hanako, and the absence of everyone else in there makes her feel lonely.
  • She then goes to the Gardening club, where she notes the absence of Kodama, and questioning if it's worth exclaiming over.
  • She goes to Staircase B at Building 3, which is where the Misaki Stairs (And Yako's boundary) is located, which has now become a hideout for delinquents. As a result, she decides to turn back from there.
  • After breathing a sigh of relief from avoiding the delinquents at Staircase B, she goes to the Library, where the 4PM Bookstacks would be, but she couldn't find the door that leads there (Which also confirms once and for all that the Tsuchigomori of the New Present is a full human).
  • And finally, she visits the Gymnasium where the students are busy preparing to perform on stage.

With the adventure over (And having changed back to her school uniform), she notes that while there are still supernaturals in the New Present, the overall situation is that everything seems to be peaceful so far. She then sees a butterfly flutter and then land on her nose, which suddenly gives her an idea to visit Tsuchigomori, since he might know some answers.

Part 2: A wild Senpai appears[]

But before she could go there, a person's voice called her out, telling her that's where she was, and addressing her by her full name. She asked the speaker who he is, and asking why he would call out her full name. Then she turns to look at the speaker , and it turns out to be none other than Nakahara-Senpai, her previous crush from Middle School who had called her gross after she asked him out in the original timeline. She looked at him for a bit and then after remembering, says his name and the info that she had liked him in Middle School (Plus her remembering what the original iteration had done to her), to which he responds that it really took her that long.

Yashiro asks Nakahara-Senpai if he need something from her, since it's been a long time since they talked, only for him to say that it was his line, since she had asked him to come (Which was a memory only the New Present iteration of Yashiro had before being temporarily overwritten by the original Yashiro's memories). Yashiro asked him if she did ask, to which he responds that she never showed up, and so he searched for her. Yashiro suddenly stumbles and twirls towards Nakahara, who then grabbed her in a somewhat romantic gesture, and called her a "stubborn girl".

Yashiro is shocked by such an action, and then Nakahara asks her to say it again, which confuses Yashiro further. He then holds up her chin, and asks her to make a love confession. If it is an interesting love confession, then he would make her his "Tenth Girlfriend". Yashiro, rightfully disgusted by it, smashes through his chin like a bullet as she leaps to a place away from him, and as he writhes down in pain, she makes a dash for it.

Unfortunately, Nakahara recovers quickly, and chases Yashiro, going as far as to insult Yashiro by calling her a "daikon girl". And as they both run, Yashiro wonders why her New Present self still hasn't given up on Nakahara-Senpai, and then wonders if it is because she had never met Hanako, and since Teru was already engaged to Aoi (While not knowing how they both really felt about one another), he was never an option for the New Present Yashiro in the first place. While they are running along, Nakahara shouts a really loud "Confess to Me" at Yashiro, to which she responds by shouting out "Never".

Yashiro then wondered just who was her New Present self going to confess to at the School Festival? Since Hanako as far as she knew does not exist in the New Present, she begins to wonder who are her other "options". She then either imagines (Or uncovers a bit of her New Present Self's memories), which begins with Fuji Suzuto, called "The hottest guy in Nene's Class", approaching her with paperwork. He then gives her the paperwork and smiles at her before taking his leave. Afterwards, she passes by Yamabuki Lemon who sees her with Fuji Suzuto's paperwork. He asks her if she's doing Fuji's work again, and then insults her, saying that "Sugar Mama Nene" is at it again.

Not liking how much of a doormat she is, and how she has a negative, insulting nickname, Nene concludes that her New Present self is such an idiot when it comes to guys.

Part 3: The Mysterious Science Prep Room[]

After her bout of running away from a crazed senpai, and overthinking her New Present self's own predicament, she climbs up a staircase, clearly looking tired, and then chances upon a mysterious "Science Prep Room", which she notes to not exist in the original timeline, at least to her knowledge. She then begins to wonder if Tsuchigomori is in there. But she then hears Nakahara shouting her name, and so she quickly enters the room to hide from him.

As he passes by, mumbling angrily about how she embarrassed him and how she wouldn't get off easy the next time she confesses to him, Yashiro gives a high sigh of relief. But this relief is replaced by surprise when someone else shouts "Hey" at her. The person speaking, a teacher wearing a lab gown continues, telling her that "Students aren't allowed to enter the Science Prep room without permission. Yashiro apologizes and then tells the teacher that she has something to tell him, but then her expression is quickly changed into a big surprise when she sees who he is: Yugi Amane in the flesh!

Amane apologizes to her and says that he is just messing with her, and that everyone comes to the Science Prep room to hang out everytime. He then asks her what grade she's in, her name and if she needed help with something. He also asks her if she needs advice on grades and career guidance, or if she's curious about the incantation that's been making the rounds lately, clearly referring to the Ritual of the Spirit Gate that summons Yugi Tsukasa as part of the ritual. Yashiro was not only shocked by his appearance, but also that he mentioned an incantation. He reassure her by telling her to take her time, and then to take a seat and have some coffee

Yugi Amane inviting Yashiro Nene to have a chat with him

But before Yashiro can ask him who he is, he disappears, revealing itself to be an apparition after all. Yashiro herself concludes that his situation is similar to Yugi Tsukasa's situation many chapters ago, in which at times, Kamome Gakuen's time can be displaced and so allow people and events from different times to appear in the current present. (And her thoughts went to that moment when making that conclusion). As she looks around, she wondered if the Science Prep room contains a piece of the New Present's past, since it isn't a Science Prep room anymore, but a storage room. She looks around, and stumbles on a bundle of school records that are entitled "Astronomy Club records. She then takes one of them and reads it.

The pages of the record she was reading were as follows:

  • The first page mentioned that two students had joined the Astronomy Club, and there will be an exchange meeting at the Science and Technology Museum again, implying that previous exchange meetings happened there as well.
  • The second page mentioned that on August 2, 1982, the Astronomy Club observed the Eta Aquariids Meteor Shower. It also mentioned that the club practiced setting up their telescopes, with the First Years struggling at it.
  • The third page mentioned that the Astronomy Club had an observatory field trip, when they went to a large-scale reflector telescope. It also shows a picture of Yugi Amane showing the club members the reflector telescope. The caption explains that Amane was explaining Diurnal motion of the stars to them. There is also a piece of information about the reflector telescope that is mostly cut-off by the panel, but it reveals the diameter of the reflecting telescope's mirror to be 91 centimeters, or almost a meter.

She takes a long hard look at the picture of Yugi Amane, and then she mutters "Hanako-Kun" while looking at the book in a solemn manner.

Part 3: The Search for the missing schoolgirl[]

Sometime later at night, Minamoto Kou (New Present) turns on his flashlight, with Mitsuba Sousuke (New Present) walking right beside him and tugging his jacket. As they walked around, Kou asked him what changed, since Mitsuba is normally a scaredy-cat and would not come to the school at night. Mitsuba brushes him off, and tells him (In a tsundere-like tone) that it's nothing and that he is just looking after his underclassmen. They both came across a door with the words "Student Study Room" etched on a poster taped to its face. They both enter the room, and see the remnants of the ritual that had happened on one of the desks.

Kou asks Mitsuba if the ritual happened in that desk, and that the students from his club have recited the "Learn-anything-you-want-to-know" incantation in there. Mitsuba answers in the positive, and wonders if the missing student is doing alright. Kou then takes a closer look at the flower on the desk. Then he looks at the floor surrounding the desk, and then concludes that there is nothing to worry about. Mitsuba snickers at him if he doesn't believe it, and implies that Kou is not a good exorcist. But Kou tells him that it's not what he meant.

Kou tells Mitsuba that he is dealing with the "Tsukasa-Kun" incantation, and that it's just an average spirit-summoning technique that he had seen a dozen times. Mitsuba asks him if that is so, and he explains it to him in detail:

Kou: If you've ever heard of Kokkuri-San or Angel-San, it's just like them. Only difference is the name.

Depending on the type of ceremony that's performed, the summoned spirit can cause a variety of different supernatural phenomena (Like moving a 10-yen coin around or starting a poltergeist).

That said, those types of ceremonies generally summon only minor supernaturals, none of which should have the power necessary to kill a student. At best, they could possess someone and influence their actions

Mitsuba: Possess? Are you sure that's nothing to worry about? What exactly happens to them?

Kou: First, they make it hard for humans without spiritual power to detect what's going on, (then they kick up a fuss by going missing). Lastly, they start talkin' and actin' crazy and eating weird things (like raw meat and small animals)

Mitsuba: Wha-

Kou: Let's hurry up and find them, they should be somewhere in the school-

Minamoto Kou explain to Mitsuba Sousuke how the Tsukasa-Kun incantation works, and how it possesses people.

But before the both of them can find and rescue the missing schoolgirl, they hear a plop, and then the plops go louder. A zombie-like girl (Presumably the missing schoolgirl) is seen climbing at the window behind Kou. As the sounds get louder, they both turn back, and then rush to the window to try and find it, but they see nothing. Then all of a sudden, a young child's voice calls out to them, thanking them for playing.

As both Kou and Mitsuba turn back, they see a child with his back hunched. He then starts moving his neck and laughing creepily as he starts to turn around. As he turns to face the two, he exclaims that he has found two more people to play with. And when his face is seen, it is nothing short of horrific as a large black spot (Or rather a big gaping hole) resembling the black spot assumed by the Entity on the original timeline Tsukasa's heart covers most of it.

Tsukasa's first appearance

Tsukasa then covers his face with both his palms, and for a moment, his regular eyes are seen by the readers. He says "Let's play", and the chapter ends on a bad note for both Kou and Mitsuba.

Characters in order of appearance[]


  • The name of the Senpai who rejected Yashiro Nene's confession in Chapter 1/Episode 1 and his New Present self is partially revealed, as only a surname (Nakahara) is mentioned.
  • The part of this chapter when Yashiro Nene reads the Astronomy Club's school records is full of Astronomical topics and jargon:
    • The Eta Aquariids are a meteor shower event that is associated with Halley's Comet. It happens every summer from April 19 to May 18 every year. Perhaps the mention of the Eta Aquariids around August is either a mistake on the author's (Either the record book or the JSHK series) part, or that the Astronomy Club were actually observing meteor showers that would peak around that time, like the Perseids, or in terms of possible radiant location, the Southern Delta Auqariids.
    • A reflecting telescope is a type of telescope that is designed to capture in as much light and direct it to the viewer as possible. What makes reflecting telescopes different from refracting telescopes is that instead of directly sending the light straight to the viewer's eyes, it is passed through a specially-built mirror (Or segments of mirrors) first, which amplifies the amount of light gathered, and then redirects it to the viewer. Most modern astronomical telescopes that view in visible light, both on Earth and in Space, are reflecting telescopes.
      • The reflecting telescope that the Astronomy Club visits has a mirror diameter of 91 centimeters. Currently, it is unknown which observatory in Japan has the same exact mirror diameter size.
    • Diurnal motion is the astronomical term referring to the apparent motion of celestial objects around Earth over the course of a day. This motion is why the Sun, Moon and stars seemingly rise from the East and set at the West. It is simply, the motion that is apparent to an Earthside viewer, which is in reality, not the actual motion the celestial bodies in question go through.
  • Kou compares the "Tsukasa-Kun" incantation to a few other well-known Japanese divination and supernatural incantations:
    • The "Kokkuri-San" incantation is from the usage of a Kokkuri board as a method of divination that is popular in Meji-Era Japan. It is comparable to the western Ouija Board. Sometimes, it also includes the diviner drawing a torii gate on a piece of paper, similar to how the Ritual of the Spirit Gate works in the New Present.
    • The "Angel-San" is a variant of the Kokkuri-San incantation, wherein instead of drawing a torii gate on a piece of paper, one draws an angel (or Cupid) in order to summon Angel-San and answer their questions.


[V • E • ?]
Chapters and Volumes
Volume 0
Chapter 1 (Pilot)Chapter 2 (Pilot)Chapter 3 (Pilot)Dear My Living Dead
Volume 1
Chapter 01Chapter 02Chapter 03Chapter 04Chapter 05
Volume 2
Chapter 06Chapter 07Chapter 08Chapter 09Chapter 10
Volume 3
Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15
Volume 4
Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20
Volume 5
Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25
Volume 6
Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30
Volume 7
Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34Chapter 35
Volume 8
Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39Chapter 40
Volume 9
Chapter 41Chapter 42Chapter 43Chapter 44Chapter 45
Volume 10
Chapter 46Chapter 47Chapter 48Chapter 49Chapter 50
Volume 11
Chapter 51Chapter 52Chapter 53Chapter 54Chapter 55
Volume 12
Chapter 56Chapter 57Chapter 58Chapter 59Chapter 60
Volume 13
Chapter 61Chapter 62Chapter 63Chapter 64Chapter 65
Volume 14
Chapter 66Chapter 67Chapter 68Chapter 69Chapter 70
Volume 15
Chapter 71Chapter 72Chapter 73Chapter 74Chapter 75
Volume 16
Chapter 76Chapter 77Chapter 78Chapter 79Chapter 80
Volume 17
Chapter 81Chapter 82Chapter 83Chapter 84Chapter 85
Volume 18
Chapter 86Chapter 87Chapter 88Chapter 89Chapter 90Chapter 91
Volume 19
Chapter 92Chapter 93Chapter 94Chapter 95Chapter 96Chapter 97
Volume 20
Chapter 98Chapter 99Chapter 100Chapter 101Chapter 102
Volume 21
Chapter 103Chapter 104Chapter 105Chapter 106Chapter 107
Volume 22
Chapter 108Chapter 108Chapter 110Chapter 111Chapter 112
Volume 23
Chapter 113Chapter 114Chapter 115Chapter 116Chapter 117
Houkago Shounen Hanako-kun
HSHK Volume 1
Chapter 01Chapter 02Chapter 03Chapter 04Chapter 05
Chapter 06Chapter 07Chapter 08Chapter 09Chapter 10
Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15
HSHK Volume 2
Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20
Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25
Chapter 26Chapter 27