In the first few pages of Chapter 66, a scene is shown where Shinigami-sama is holding hands with a young girl who is most likely Sumire. After Hanako and Nene fall into the "hole deep enough to the point of no return" in Shinigami's Boundary, they encounter Sumire. She tells them that she is about to get married with Shinigami-sama. However, Hanako starts to speculate that Sumire might be Shinigami-sama's kenzoku (in simpler words, Hanako thinks that Sumire might be being controlled by Shinigami). While Nene is about to take a bath with Sumire, Sumire mentions that she was with Shinigami-sama since she was little. She seems to know quite a bit about him and even refers to him as "shy" and "cute". As she is tying up her hair, Nene notices a seal on her neck, implying that she might be Shinigami's Yorishiro.
Yashiro Nene[]
After falling into the "hole" with Hanako, him and Nene are held hostage by the people there, who called them "wraiths" (Chapter 66). Sumire soon comes and takes them instead, making them her "pets". Upon release, Nene and Hanako both attempt to escape, but are repelled with a a barrier made by Sumire. When Sumire asks for their names, Nene tells her. While looking into her eyes, Nene notices that she reminds her of Aoi. After doing a bunch of chores for Sumire, she takes a bath with her. She asks her if Hanako is her lover, in which she immediately replies with no. She looks at her face, noticing that she reminds her of Aoi again. Sumire then shows Nene her fiance's mask's that she hid from him, which belonged to Shinigami-sama. Upon realizing that Sumire was to be wed with No.6, she asked her what she was, with a look of fear in her face.
Upon asking Hanako what his name was, he did not respond. So, Sumire decided to name him "Gon". After telling Nene about what he had found out about still being in No.6's boundary using his hakujoudai and his suspicion that Sumire might be Shinigami-sama's kenzoku, Sumire herself pops up behind them, asking them what they are talking about. To this, Hanako responds that it has nothing to do with her, so she says that he is being rebellious. She then grabs Nene and proceeds to walk away. Hanako grabs Nene's hand, stating that he was going to go as well, to which Sumire replied by zapping him and calling him a pervert, for they were going to the bath. Defeated, Hanako has no choice but to stay behind.
Akane Aoi[]
Not much is known about Aoi's relationship with Sumire, but upon tying her hair up, Sumire looks exactly like her (last panel of Chapter 66). It was also noticed by Nene twice about how much Sumire reminded her of Aoi.
In the flashback where Nene becomes drowsy after drinking the nuptial elixir, No. 6 reveals that Sumire was part of the Akane family.