Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Wiki
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Wiki


The Faeries (Yousei-san)[]

Upon Nene discovering that various school supplies of hers have gone missing, Aoi is introduced by suggesting that "Faeries" might have been behind the dissapearance of Nene's property in a gleeful tone as she pauses from watering plants. She then tells the rumor of faeries, that steal people's belongings and must never be seen for they would take your life when you encounter them.

Albeit laughing it off as possibility afterwards, she halts and reconsiders the existence of the faeries after she and Nene notice a surge of their classmates reporting their belongings as missing. Just as Nene answers her, they hear someone shouting to come quick from outside the classroom. Together with Nene she runs out of the floor to see the the majority of locker doors missing.

As Nene ponders who could have done such a feat without anyone noticing, a small, unidentified bumps into her, causing Aoi to let go of the watercan she was still holding. It accidentally lands on Nene's head with all the water spilled over her. Aoi profusely apologizes, mentioning that something bumped into her hand and telling Nene, she would get something to dry her. However, as Nene is aware of the effect water on skin has on her, she panics and runs away, leaving Aoi standing in the hallway in confusion.

The Misaki Stairs Arc[]

As Nene ponders about a past encounter with Hanako in the classroom, Aoi calling her name snaps her out of thought. Aoi merrily asks whether her absentmindedness is due to having a new crush, to which Nene vaguely declines with a sigh. Noticing with a worried expression her friends mood, Aoi tries to change the topic by telling her of a different rumor she has heard of. This is how Aoi introduces the rumor of the Misaki Stairs.

Fearing the grotesque nature of this rumor, she asks which staircase is identified as the Misaki Stairs. Aoi gives her the whereabouts together with the comment that apparently, a lot of students have stated that they have already seen pools of blood there in a grimacing expression. Upon seeing Nene stepping back with a paling face, she wonders about Nene, who she thought liked these sorts of stories. Nene ascertains that she does, thinking to herself that her wariness arises from Aoi's latest stories all becoming true, to which Aoi answers relieved. Intertwining her hands with Nene's, she mentions that she herself isn't exactly a fan of scary stories but she would tell Nene as many as she wants if it helps her to feel better.

Their cheerful moment is interrupted by their Hanako-kun Wikiroom teacher entering the classroom to remind Aoi of her scheduled guidance counseling. Hurrying to her teacher as she remembers, she grabs her bag and waves Nene goodbye, saying she'll find other scary stories for her so she should cheer up.

On the next day, Aoi, the flowers she regularily watered as well as even her seat in the classroom are gone. Upon Nene asking about the flowers Aoi cared for since she was on flower duty, the existence of a student called Aoi in the class is denied. Calling Aoi's phone results in being told the dialed number would not be in service and calling Aoi's Hanako-kun Wiki to ask her family whether she caught a cold results in them denying that a person by that name lives with them, so Nene turns to Hanako for an explanation.

As they venture into Yako's boundary where they suspect Aoi and various other students to have gone missing and Yako herself finally shows up enlightening the place to reveal students dumped together with a pile of other discarded doll limbs and other various stand-ins of body parts behind her. One of the students bodies they can make out looks like Aoi, with a paper seal covering her face and body being replaced with the according dto oll parts. Shocked, Nene embraces the doll Aoi, even after her doll head breaks off of the rest of her body.

The Confession Tree[]

During gardening class, Aoi approaches Nene who is "making funny faces". Nene uses the opportunity to tell her about Hanako's behavior up until now indoors. Aoi eagerly confirms Nene's suspicion that Hanako's action verify that he likes Nene and that there wouldn't be any other explanation to him kissing her out of nowhere. She inquires further about him and Nene gives her a description of Hanako. Hearing it, she comments that it's definitely not someone that fits Nene's type. Despite that, she suggests trying to date him. She notes Nene's flaws of not being very used to dealing with males and being easily fooled by pretty faces. Therefore the experience would help her and maybe she would turn out to like him. It is then that the series also reveals per Nene's thoughts that Aoi is "1-A's most desirable date".

Aoi continues to speculate that Hanako will confess soon and Nene just needs to be emotionally prepared. Aoi then shifts Nene's attention to the window, from which they can see the so-called Confession Tree and describes its lore. As she finished, she discovers students occupying the tree. Looking closer, they recognize their classmate Akane Aoi practicing his love confession to Aoi with Lemon Yamabuki. Overcoming her initial confusion, Aoi then also makes Nene notice how many couples have lately resulted from them successfully confessing their love below the Confession Tree and that Hanako will surely follow up with his confession in the same manner soon.

On the next day, Nene cheerfully enters the classroom to tell Aoi what happened after their last conversation, but is held in place by Aoi shivering with an expression mixed out of grief and fear. Almost tearing up she points with a faint voice to the classmates they saw yesterday together under the Confession Tree having become a couple. Aoi, seemingly shocked from this development, says that Akane told her he liked her, but she didn't reciprocate, explaining that they are childhood friends and she couldn't ever date him because her name would become "Aoi Aoi" if they were to marry. However, seeing Akane instead going out with Lemon throws her mind in turmoil.

The 4PM Bookstacks Arc[]

Aoi is shown answering Nene, who apparently inquired whether she knew the story of the fifth school mystery. Per her established role as character to introduce the various supernatural phenomena of Kamome Gakuen up until now, she continues to describe Nene the rumor of the 4PM Bookstacks. She goes on about how it makes you curious that even things that haven't happened yet would be recorded in the books and that she may want to read other people's books too, like Teru's. Upon asking Nene what she would do with them, Nene answers with wanting to read someone's book, to which Aoi agree cheerfully.

Her tone drastically changes suddenly as she gives Nene a last warning about the bookstacks. She elaborates on the different colored books in the bookstack and what each of the colors signify, ending with telling her to never read the red colored books.

The Little Mermaid Arc[]

During lunch break, Aoi and Nene are sitting together. As Nene starts to philosophize about the understanding between different creatures, Aoi worriedly asks what she has fallen in love with this time. Nene, still absentminded, answers with "Donuts", which Aoi shockingly repeats questioning. Aoi's worry for her friend heightens when Nene reacts on seemingly no one, asking whether someone is there and yelling out loud as the Mermaid Servants appear swimming on her desk, which Aoi can't see and finally running out of the classroom.

Mitsuba Arc[]

Aoi appears at the end of the Mitsuba Arc, to tell Nene that a good-looking upperclassman is waiting at the door of the classroom for her. She shoves Nene by the shoulder from behind to the entrance of the room where Natsuhiko Hyuuga is waiting for her, surrounded by girls.


Aoi introducing the Three Clock Keeper rumor at the start of the arc.

The Three Clock Keepers Arc[]

The Arc starts with Aoi's traditional retelling of a rumor - this time, it's the school mystery number one, the Three Clock Keepers. After that, she tells Nene that there is something she has to tell Nene, but just as she is about to reveal it, someone's scream is interrupting their conversation. As they come near to the source of the panic, where a lot of their classmates have already gathered, they find their classroom in a huge mess with walls teared down, dust everywhere and plants overgrowing all over the place. Students are discovering their belongings just as affected - food is rotten, belongings have eroded - except for Aoi and Nene, the only people whose belongings have been left completely unaffected.

After Nene consulted Hanako on this mysterious situation, the Main Trio try to seek out the Clock Keeper, that hides out as one of the students. With Hanako feeling the presence of fellow supernatural, they arrive at the Nene's classroom where the Clock Keeper is supposedly in. Hanako explains his suspicions of Aoi, who always tells Nene about the supernatural's rumors and is the only one unaffected by this supernatural involving the incident. Upon hearing a girl's giggle, the windows of the classroom shatter, followed by Aoi leaving the classroom.

Closely following her, Akane, too, exits the classroom after her. It is then that Hanako possesses Nene's body to grab Aoi's right wrist to press her against the wall. He asks Aoi in Nene's body whether she is hiding something and continues questioning her while caressing her. Aoi shows clear confusion by her friend's unusual behaviour, which heightens as Hanako (in Nene's body) threatens to "seal [her] lips" if she stays quiet and draws closer to Aoi's lips.

They are stopped by Akane's panicked scream, who is brooding from observing the situation. The possessed Nene is pushed away from Aoi by him and dragged away by the collar in rage. Kou as well as Nene (in ghost form) went after them, leaving Aoi in the hallway alone. As she sits with her knees drawn up, she laments that she missed her chance to tell Nene yet again what she previously tried to tell Nene at the start of the arc.

On the roof, Nene explains to Akane as coverstory for their previous actions' intentions that they are trying to discover Aoi's secret. Akane testifies to that that Aoi indeed seemed to be worrying about something lately, recalling memories of him watching over an Aoi sighing to herself alone in the classroom. She also doesn't want to tell Akane what it is, apparently.

In order to find out Aoi's secret, Akane joins a temporary alliance with the Main Trio and watch over Aoi throughout the day during her various activities without being detected. They observe her during three different activities of the day: her cleaning duties, while caring for the plants in the gardening club and when moving to point a to point b. All three pass in the same pattern in that she goes normally about her day while three male students each watch her in awe, being fascinated by how cute and domestic/feminine/like a lily she seems, followed by being sent flying by courtesy of Akane's baseball bat or thrust into the ground head-first by Akane himself. Nene, despite knowing very well, has to admit yet again that Aoi truly is the queen of popularity from observing her throughout all of this.

Finally, Aoi enters the auditorium and waits on the stage. As the temporary secret-busting alliance is wondering behind the seats what her business would be in this room, Akane starts to reminisce about their shared childhood where Aoi would constantly be threatened by callous guys to go out with them and how he would always be there to keep her safe every time.

Hanako then devises a plan to finally lure out the Clock Keeper. He promptly shoots Hakujoudai towards the lightning equipment hanging over the auditorium's stage, causing the huge candle lighter exactly above Aoi to fall down on her. Before the impact lands, time is stopped and a hooded silhouette has appeared, carrying Aoi who has lost consciousness. As the now as Clock Keeper revealed Akane is talking with Hanako, he sits Aoi down on one of the auditorium's seats, covering her with his hood as blanket.

Aoi is later brought to the infirmary, where Akane retells the events that lead him to become a school mystery. A flashback is shown to the day of student orientation where a twelve years old Akane is confessing to Aoi who is merrily giving him two points for his confession as answer. As Akane shows frustration about the low score, Aoi comments on how he can't confess like normal since the first day of school is a special day. Seeing Akane seriously racking his brain for a good method, she starts to encourage him to try harder to make her heart flutter and that if he can do that, she'll think about the confession seriously.

As Aoi walks on, the ropes that kept huge glass plates on a truck snap and are about to crash with her. That is when Akane wished for time to stop and received his abilities from the Clock Keepers.

Searching Arc[]

On her way to find Hanako, Nene arrived at the practice garden, where Aoi (wearing gardening clothes) traps her in a kabe don against the school gate. Aoi confides to Nene that there has been something she wanted to tell Nene for a while but because Nene was so busy with other things instead, Aoi feared that Nene might have started hating her. Nene fervently objects that claim. At the same time, they notice the dropped bug box Nene was carrying has opened up for a centipede to skitter out of it. Aoi snatches the centipede while she expresses how relieved she is about Nene declining any hateful feelings towards her.

With the centipede still in her hand, she steps closer to Nene, going on about whether she would listen to what she has been meaning to tell Nene. Intimated by the centipede that draws closer to her face with every plea, Nene agrees to eventually having a longer chat with Aoi. Having gotten her confirmation, Aoi runs off again to continue watering her plants.

Reach Out Your Hand[]

Nene tells Hanako and Kou about the chat she had with Aoi. There, Aoi finally reveals what she has been meaning to tell Nene since a few arcs already. Apparently, as Aoi was organizing the gardening club's records, she found that only the pictures with Nene would show additional hands popping out of nowhere on the pictures.

The Hell of Mirrors Arc[]

The most dominant illusion Nene meets in the Hell of Mirrors takes the form of her best friend, Aoi, acting and looking just like her, but maliciously taunting Nene as "ugly horse radish-chan" and egging on her body complexes. Illusion Aoi later on also shows Nene where the yorishiro of the boundary is and how to arrive at it before it later turns into No.3's true form.

Picture Perfect Arc[]

Aoi appears in the Picture Perfect Arc as part of the fabricated world. As such, she acts as if Amane has always been one of their fellow classmates and teases Nene about how familiar she seems to be with him. In this arc, too, she is the one to tell Nene of the rumor of Shijima-san of the Art Room. She and Akane are also later on the ones that fall apart due to Shijima wanting to redraw them.

Study Camp Arc[]

Aoi attends the year end's study camp. Nene tells her about her hearing a flute playing. Aoi then tells her the rumor about the reaper. Nene runs off before Aoi can finish her story.

Aoi soon follows Nene and sees Akane laying down. Worried, she approaches, unaware that the reaper is in front of her, ready to seize her. Akane freezes time for the three and transforms into his clock keeper form, the second clock keeper who can control the present. Time unfreezes and Aoi sees Akane's form, surprised. Akane is surprised too, for Aoi shouldn't be able to see him in this form. The reaper still manages to take Aoi to his boundary under the school.

In his boundary, the reaper offers Aoi a flower once she woke up. But the flower dies in his hands, due to his power of killing anything he touches. He proceeds to tell Aoi that the blood of Kannagi is required and that she will be the sacrifice.

JSHK Chapter 64 (Color Page)

Aoi asks if she could greet the three visitors

Later, Aoi comes to the reaper, asking if she was called. Her eyes are notably different and so is her attitude. She then burns down the reaper's papers, reasoning that "he's so cold". The reaper asked his assistants what they did to her and the assistants told him that her memories and personality were gone. Then, an assistant announces the arrival of visitors, which were Hanako, Nene, and Akane. Aoi is interested in the three, asking the reaper if she could come greet the visitors.

Meanwhile, Nene, Akane, and Hanako search the place for Aoi, but she is nowhere to be found. Nene then picks up a lamp which can detect supernaturals. The lamp shines and shakes uncontrollably, and Hanako remarks that it might be reacting to something nearby.

Suddenly, Aoi jumps from behind, putting her hands to Nene's eyes. She explains her situation, saying that she saw the three of them and ran away from "Skull Face". She reassures the rest of them that she's okay, much to Akane's relief.

Hanako questions if Aoi really escaped from No.6 by herself with no help. Distracted, Aoi asks Hanako if he's "Nene's crush". At this, Nene gets flustered, telling Aoi that it's not true. While Nene and Hanako banter, Akane asks Aoi if she really is okay. Aoi says that she's truly okay and that she's glad that he came. She blurts out "I love you." Akane gets shocked, and asks Aoi if she could marry him. She goes back to her usual self, telling him "No."

Aoi tells the three that they should go back, as they have a study camp waiting for them. Hanako thinks about where the exit could be located, only for Aoi to interrupt him and tell him that she knows where it is, and leads them to this alleged exit.

Aoi takes them into portal that supposedly takes them to the Near Shore, and tells the three to stand still in the middle of it, so she can "finish her job fast." Hanako and Nene are confused as Aoi pulls on a lever and the ground the trio stands on collapses. With Nene and Hanako trapped in a pit full of bugs, Aoi smiles and tells them gleefully that they are in the garbage chute of the boundary, where "anything unnecessary is thrown away." Aoi says that people believes that anything that goes down the chute never comes back up. Hanako accuses Aoi of being in No.6's side, to which Aoi just happily waves at as the duo gets swallowed up by a bug on the chute.

Aoi stands up, and says that she feels hurt that Akane suspected her. Akane is seen standing behind Aoi, saying that he knew something was wrong due to all the years they spent together. Akane asks if No.6 threatened Aoi, to which Aoi says no. She says that now that she's done her job, he can grant her wish. Her wish, which is to be taken far away, beyond the boundaries, all the way to the Far Shore.

Akane asks for her reasons, and Aoi responds that she forgot, and that it doesn't matter anymore. She tells Akane that due to her wish, she needs to dispose of Akane. Aoi launches insects at Akane, and he manages to dodge it. Akane tells Aoi that he cannot let her wish come true. Aoi tries to attack Akane, but he manages to avoid her attacks. Akane then grabs Aoi's arm and pins her down to the ground. Aoi asks why. Akane responds that it's because he loves Aoi. She responds to Akane with a kiss. When she pulls away, she tells him that he doesn't need to love her anymore. Akane's eyes widen as one of the insects pierces through his torso.

Smiling, Aoi questions if Akane truly loves her. To that, Akane aks if she really thinks that this will make him hate her, and that Aoi underestimates his feelings for her.

Akane asks if Aoi will throw him to the garbage, and Aoi is silent and stares at him with sadness in her eyes. Akane smiles and tells Aoi that he will fall for her. Suddenly, Akane grabs Aoi and starts running into the garbage chute. He falls along with her, and promises to never let go of her, even in death.

Aoi awakens to realize that she is being given a piggyback from Akane. Still injured, he begins to reassure Aoi that he would get them out of there soon, only to collapse with Aoi. After apologizing to her about his pathetic state, Aoi suggests that Akane shouldn't push himself too hard. With a smile, he replies saying that "Ao-chan really is kind", but it is obvious that he is in a great amount of pain. Aoi begins to stand up and look around when Akane grabs her sleeve. She turns around to see Akane looking up at her. He takes her hand in his own. Eyes wide, Aoi looks at her hand. She then regains her composure, almost looking sad. She then says, "Let's rest for a bit, Akane-kun. I won't be going anywhere, for now."

"Let's rest for a bit, Akane-kun

“Let’s rest for a bit, Akane-Kun.”

Soon, Akane falls asleep, but wakes up later to Aoi. Upon waking up, he finds his wound wrapped, and calls Aoi an angel, following it up by an offer to marry her. For the first time, Aoi agrees, leaving Akane confused.

Aoi then says that even if she said that, she'll just leave Akane disappointed. Aoi notes that Akane frequently showers her with compliments, much to her surprise, because she "isn't like that at all". She says that everybody seems interested in her at first due to their ideal image of Aoi in their mind, but ends up getting disappointed upon finding out who she truly is. She says that her dad lies to her, Nene hides things from her, and even Akane himself does it too. Aoi tells Akane that he doesn't actually like Aoi.

To that, Akane insists that he does, with Aoi asking him if he's sure. They go back and forth, until Aoi pulls out Akane's watch, making Akane freeze. Aoi recalls herself asking Akane why he was wearing glasses all of a sudden, why he was always gone after school, and if he was hiding something from her, all of which he responds to with lies. After that, Aoi throws the watch to Akane's head, calling him a liar.

Aoi stands up, saying she doesn't want to get close with anybody, bidding farewell to Akane. As she walks away, Akane suddenly grabs her wrist, pulling her to the ground. Akane towers over Aoi, telling her that if she really wants to know Akane, then he'll say something about himself.

Akane grabs Aoi by the throat and as he chokes her, he says that he honestly hated Aoi the whole time. To that, Aoi freezes. Akane laughs at Aoi's reaction, asking her if she's really that surprised. He tells Aoi that he's known Aoi enough for a long time, saying that she's only cute on the outside. He calls Aoi "obedient, a selfish coward, but prideful". He says that's the reason why Aoi wanted to disappear, because she didn't want other people finding out that side of hers. Akane yells that he always hated that side of Aoi, making Aoi cry at his words. He questions why Aoi was crying, because he thought this was what she asked for.

Aoi struggles in Akane's hold, telling him that she hates him too, screaming to let her go already.

Akane doesn't listen, reminiscing on their elementary days. He recalls the day that he made Aoi cry by telling her he hated her. He says it surprised him because Aoi never cried. Recalling what happened, he tells Aoi that he found her crying face really cute. Grabbing Aoi's hand, he says that they haven't changed since then.

Aoi shoves Akane away, screaming at him to not touch her. Nevertheless, Akane persists, taking Aoi's hand and kisses it, saying that he loves Aoi. He teases Aoi that if he says that he says that he hates Aoi, it makes her cry. Akane was cut off when Aoi punches Akane on the chest, square on the wound. She calls Akane an idiot, insisting that she hates Akane and that he hates her too.

Akane quickly gets up, pulling Aoi towards him once more, caressing her, apologizing and asking Aoi if she truly hates him, or if she perhaps likes him a little. Aoi doesn't respond and Akane beams at it. Aoi quickly says that she hasn't even said anything yet, but Akane pulls her into an embrace, saying that he doesn't need words to understand Aoi.

Moments later, Akane slowly tries to kiss Aoi, but was cut off by Teru suddenly entering the boundary. Teru smiles and asks if he interrupted something, to which Akane quickly yells at Teru to leave. Teru then says Akane was being rude to someone who just wanted to help them. Teru comments on how close to the far shore they've gone to and apologizes for being late to come save them, which Akane replies to by saying it's fine. Teru says they better get going, and they start their journey.

Early in their way back, a being tries to attack them from behind but Teru quickly defeats it in one slash. He warns the pair that since they're near the far shore, more creatures will attack them. As he says that, a mob of them starts chasing the trio. Teru quickly pulls them to run, smiling. Akane comments that Teru seems to be enjoying this. After their run, Teru hands Aoi a protection charm bracelet similar to Sumire's.

The trio go on a break from their journey and Teru tells the pair that he expected Aoi to be in No.6's boundary but not Akane. The pair then begins to tell Teru what happened.

The trio starts small talk about No. 6 and they come to the discussion of the Akane family, Aoi's ancestors. Teru tells them that the Akane family was known for doing sacrificial rituals. They would raise a little girl to be a sacrifice in order to gain a significant portion of land. No.6 was tasked with making sure that the young maidens would not run away, which he still follows even if he's already tasked to be a school mystery.

Teru starts a silent discussion with Akane on how the seven mysteries work, which he ends by telling Akane to be wary of Hanako. He tells Akane that Hanako might go after No.1's yorishiro any time now, and even if the task of being a supernatural might seem unpleasant, they'll need it in the future.

Teru tells the pair that they've had a long enough break and that it's time to get going yet again. They continue to walk through the boundary, encountering creatures, scary or not. Aoi smiles despite it all.

They encounter a big stone on the end and Akane asks Teru if this is a dead end. Teru only draws blood from his finger and a pathway opens. He tells the two that their way to the human world starts through that pathway. Looking back will cause a person to be unable to go back.

Akane holds Aoi's hand as they go through the pathway. Aoi comments that it's dark and that she can't see anything. Akane reassures her by telling her he sees a light up ahead.

Aoi then starts to apologize to Akane for wounding him and for hurting Nene. Akane tells her it's okay and that they should apologize together. Aoi blushes and suddenly tells Akane that she likes giraffes. Akane was in shock and almost turned around upon the first syllable. He asks her where this was coming from. Aoi says that she hasn't seen them before and that she doesn't like crowds so maybe, Akane would want to go to the zoo with her. Akane smiles and tells her that he wants to go and asks Aoi where else she'd like to go. Aoi says that she'd like to go to a sweets shop, play games. Akane answers her by saying that no matter how late, he'll stay up with Aoi. Aoi asks Akane if that was a promise, which Akane agrees to.

As they approach the light, Aoi asks her final question. She asks Akane what he likes. Akane easily answers her by saying that he likes her. Aoi's face goes slack and she turns sad. Through tears, in the darkness of the path, she says that she wishes she told Akane that she likes him too.

Akane steps out the darkness. He turns around for Aoi, only to see her missing.

Meanwhile, hakujoudai informs Hanako of what happened to the pair. Hanako says that it's to be expected, due to Aoi being a regular person. From the moment she step foot near the far shore, she was already dead. Now that she's the replacement sacrifice for the kannagi, Aoi's remaining lifespan will transfer to Nene's.

Bound for Far Shore Arc[]

Aoi find herself surrounded by supernaturals. Looking up on the sky, she recognizes a hole where things float to. Distracted by the hole and only recognizing the growing crowd of supernaturals making their way somewhere, she falls to the ground. As she gets up, she looks at her arms. With a horrified expression, she sees her arms dissolve, as well as her legs. Before she could continue on fearing for her life, Hanako appears in the midst of the supernaturals, asking Aoi what she's doing. He quickly explains the severance of the connection between the human world and the supernaturals and points her towards the direction of a train headed for the afterlife before she could get swallowed up by the hole in the sky too.

Aoi picks up a mokke off the ground and makes her way inside the train. She drops off the mokke with the others and waves goodbye, finding her own seat. Hanako invites her to sit across him. The two try to chat until Hanako tells Aoi that she'll become a supernatural as well by the time the train gets to its final stop, Hanako asks Aoi how her life was, but Aoi puts on a smile and ignores the question, asking Hanako if she could talk about love instead. She starts describing Akane, how she hated and loved his attitude. Wiping off her tears, she asks Hanako what he loved the most about Nene.

The trains suddenly halts, sending supernaturals to a panic, asking what happened. Hanako tells Aoi to hide while he investigates. Aoi hides behind boxes but a supernatural recognizes her as a human. Garnering attention, supernaturals surround her and are ready to feed, when Akane stops time and rescues Aoi before embracing her. He tells her he doesn't know what he'd do if she were to disappear.
